Chapter 75 Pharmacist Inheritance

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    Encountering the Xu sisters on the road was just a small episode in the journey of the two, and it did not have much impact on the itinerary of the two.

    Lin Chuwen and the two followed the clues left by the old man and arrived at the Misty Forest.

    "The place you're looking for is in the misty forest?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded.

    The misty forest is filled with miasma, and it is very easy for ordinary people to get lost when they enter it.

    "This place smells so weird!" Chu Ye wrinkled his nose.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "It doesn't taste very good."

    There are often beasts in the foggy forest, and many of the beasts who entered by mistake, many couldn't bear the toxicity of miasma, and died in the forest. After the corpses rotted, There will be an unpleasant smell.

    "Why did your grandfather come to this place?" Chu Ye asked suspiciously.

    The environment of the misty forest is bad, and no one lives around. The villagers who are dozens of miles away from this place regard this place as a disaster area.

    "The environment of the foggy forest is special, and there are some special spiritual grasses growing there. Grandpa originally came here to find ghost fog mushrooms." Lin Chuwen said.

    Lin Chuwen took a few potions and handed them to Chu Ye.

    "This is a miasma-removing medicine. If you take this, you won't be affected by the miasma."

    Chu Ye said curiously, "I didn't notice when you prepared it."

    "It's been a while." Lin Chuwen said early I wanted to come to this place, so I started preparations early.

    "You're quite prepared for a rainy day!" Chu Ye praised.

    "Let's go."

    There are many poisons growing in the foggy forest.

    The two were walking on the road when a colorful spider fell, and Chu Ye was taken aback.

    The little fox spit out a mouthful of fire, which quickly burned the spider to ashes.

    After doing this, the little fox turned around and "tweeted" towards Chu Ye.

    Chu Ye looked at the black and shiny eyes of the little fox, and felt as if he was despised by the little fox.

    The misty forest is not suitable for many kinds of beasts to survive, but for some spiders and poisonous snakes, the environment of this place could not be better.

    The deeper you go into the foggy forest, the more you can encounter all kinds of poisons.

    Chu Ye accidentally passed a snake nest and detected the scene of a group of snakes dancing wildly.

    "What are these snakes doing! Are they fighting?" Chu Ye withdrew his soul power, a little horrified. "It seems that the fight is very strong, is it to compete for the snake king?"

    Lin Chuwen blushed and said, "Let's go."

    Before, Lin Chuwen saw the situation of the snake group very clearly.

    The group of snakes fights around a blood-red flower, which is a clump of flowers and snakes. This flower can make snakes lose their minds, mate wildly, and increase the fertility rate of the snake group, so they will See the scene of thousands of snakes entangled together.

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