Chapter 31 Auction

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    After shopping, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen only had one hundred and twenty gold coins left, and they couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

    Chu Ye scratched his head. After coming to Black Cloud City, they sold medicines and crystal cores for more than 3,000 yuan.

    Chu Ye sighed to himself that soul pet master cultivation is really a bottomless pit.

    "Tomorrow is the auction. After the auction is over, we should get a final payment." Lin Chuwen said.

    The market price of Bloodline Awakening Potion is around 3,000. If it is put up for auction at auction, it should not be too different. Generally, the potion sold at auction will be a little higher than the market price. If the auction price is 3,000, deduct % For ten commissions, he can also receive a final payment of seven hundred.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Let's go to the auction." The auction requires an admission ticket.

    Because Lin Chuwen sent the potion to the auction house, the auction presented two tickets to Lin Chuwen. Chu Ye had never participated in the auction, so he was very curious. Although they had no money in their hands, it was still alright to go and have a look.

    In the auction, there was a crowd of people sitting in the crowd, which looked quite spectacular.

    "It seems that there are quite a few soul masters there!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said "um".

    Most of the soul masters sat in the first row of VIP seats or stayed in the private room, and were provided with fruit bowls and spirits, which was different from them.

    It was the first time for Chu Ye to participate in an auction, and everything was new. Lin Chuwen had participated in several auctions with his grandfather, and he was accustomed to these.

    A charming and charming woman stepped onto the stage. The woman was wearing a long fishtail dress with her breasts half exposed, causing many monks who participated in the auction to breathe heavily.

    "It's a soul master." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "What?"

    Lin Chuwen said lightly, "That auctioneer is a soul master."

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment, then secretly said: The Yunhe auction is really unusual! Even if a soul master is a beautiful woman, it is still a soul master.

    The voice under the auction platform was a bit noisy, and the woman's hand pressed down, stopping everyone's discussion. "Thank you for coming to our auction. This auction has prepared a lot of items for you. I believe you will not be disappointed.

    " Soul pet cub Jinfengli." A cub

    with golden hair was sent to the front of the stage, attracting many young men and women in the field to be eager to try.

    There will be many prospective soul pet masters who come with the clan elders at the auction, and many of them are very eager for the golden wind raccoon.

    The starting price of the golden wind raccoon was 2,000 gold coins and was sold for 11,000 gold coins.

    Chu Ye blinked and said, "It's so expensive." Chu Ye thought about it. Buying soul beast cubs is an investment in education, and it is directly related to the future of soul pet masters. No matter what world, parents always have nothing to do with their children's education. Without its level.

    The second lot in the auction was still a soul pet cub. It was of middle and top quality. It was a three-eyed spirit leopard. The starting price of the three-eyed spirit leopard was three thousand. .

    Chu Ye frowned and said, "It's also a middle-grade soul pet, but the price is so different."

    Lin Chuwen shrugged and said, "The quality of a spirit pet is very different, and the contract is a middle-grade and lower-grade soul. The soul master of the pet has a 20% chance of becoming a soul master, the soul pet master of the middle rank soul pet in the contract has a 50% chance of becoming a soul master, and the soul master of the high rank soul pet in the contract has an 80% chance of becoming a soul master. , of course it is different."

    Soul masters are the cornerstone of a family, and soul masters are the mainstay of a family.

    The level of mid-level soul pets differed by a huge amount for every small rank, and the gap between mid-level and high-level was even bigger.

    Generally speaking, only a soul pet master who has contracted a high-grade soul beast can become the soul king of the dominant side. Therefore, the appearance of every high-grade soul beast is accompanied by a bloody storm.

    The villagers of Longya Village have little knowledge, and they can't see the speciality of Xiaoyin and Xuebao.

    Black Cloud City was a mixed bag. After arriving here, Lin Chuwen and Chu Ye had been hiding Xuebao and Xiaoyin in the Soul Sea Soul Room.

    The third item in the auction is the Soul Skill, the Ice Blade. Soul Beasts mostly fight by instinct. If they are assisted by Soul Skills, the Soul Pet Master's combat power will be greatly increased. Some big families will include some soul skills. Soul skills are very precious, and people who have soul skills generally do not pass them on.

    Snow Treasure is ice attribute, and this soul skill is also used.

    The starting price of the Ice Blade was 2,500, and a soul master took it down for 30,000 gold coins.

    The soul skill was taken away, and Chu Ye saw a bit of disappointment flashing in Lin Chuwen's eyes. Chu Ye grabbed Lin Chuwen's hand and comforted: "We can also afford it in the future."

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "It should be."

    Chu Ye pursed his lips, feeling a little sad in his heart. Originally, he thought he was doing well, but the villagers of Longya Village were all impressed by his five bodies, so he came to the auction for a walk. Only then did Chu Ye realize that he was a poor man.

    Chu Ye shook his head and sighed to himself, the road to soul pet cultivation is a long way to go!

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