Chapter 28 The New Hive

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    In the evening, the village chief came over.

    "Young Master Ye, if you want to build a house, I will find someone for you. When will the construction start?" asked the village chief.

    Chu Ye said lightly: "As soon as possible." The

    village chief hesitated for a while, "What are you going to do with the materials for building the house?

    " Yes, it is not enough, so I will buy some.

    Chu Ye is a soul pet master, and his ability to make money is first-rate. Just selling honey is worth dozens or hundreds of gold coins.

    "The matter of building a house is left to the village chief to worry about. Whether buying materials or hiring people, I will deduct it from the inside. If it is not enough, I will make up for it." Chu Ye took twenty gold coins and handed them over to the village chief.

    The village chief looked at the gold coins in his hand and said hurriedly: "Twenty gold coins should be enough."

    Building a house is very complicated, and Chu Ye doesn't want to spend too much time on it. Might as well go hunting in the mountains.

    "The village chief is interested in my cattle." Chu Ye asked.

    The village chief smiled embarrassedly, and said, "It's five or six hundred pounds for such a big cow. Can you finish eating?"

    Chu Ye shrugged and said, "Probably can't finish it." The little fox's appetite Not small, but not a bottomless pit. "Isn't this going to build a house? Let's just share it with the workers." The

    village chief was stunned for a moment, and said, "How can this be made." I have never heard that which house builds houses to entertain handymen with the meat of fierce animals. Too extravagant.

    Chu Ye said nonchalantly, "What's this?" It would be a waste to not finish it anyway.

    The village chief nodded and said, "If Young Master Ye decides this way, then fine."

    The matter of Chu Ye building a hive caused a heated discussion in the village.

    "Young Master Chu, what a good man! He built a house and gave meat to the beasts."

    Ferocious beast meat is rich in qi and blood, which is also beneficial to the body of the eater.

    Xiaoyin and Xuebao couldn't finish the meat of the beasts they hunted, and they didn't bother to sell it in the town, so they simply served as food for the laborers who came to build the house.

    After that, even the wages were saved. After each worker got off work, he directly took a knife and walked away.

    Ferocious beast meat is a luxury item, and the villagers are reluctant to buy it and eat it on weekdays. Chu Ye’s price is basically half buy and half free. The workers are naturally more willing to ask for beast meat to improve the food at home.

    Because Chu Ye's treatment here is so good, people in the village are rushing to do helpers.

    "My family's Ali ate the meat of the beasts, and he became much stronger and his complexion was much better."

    "I heard that if you eat more meat of the beasts, you have a better chance of becoming a soul pet master. Therefore, some children from big families have a better chance of becoming a soul pet master. , eat the meat of fierce beasts every day."

    "It used to be such a big cow! I don't know how to get it."

    "It seems that the food has changed today. It is cauliflower snake and snake meat. It is very delicious. It is said that the skin is smooth after eating it. What."

    "Young Master Ye and Shao Lin's two pet pets are really fierce, they dare to provoke anything."

    "This house is finished, but it will not be such a good thing." The woman in green said regretfully.

    The man in the green woman's family is working as a helper in the Chu family, and he can get five or six catties of meat every day.

    Hearing the words of the woman in green, the women looked at each other in dismay, wishing that Chu Ye could build another 100 hives.


    Because there were so many people who came to help, Chu Ye's three hives took ten days to build.

    When the house was completed, Chu Ye gave each person who came to help ten catties of fierce beast meat as a thank you gift, which made the villagers happy. Many villagers were close to Chu Ye, saying that next time something like this happens, they must look for it. They help.

    The house was built to be much more luxurious than the previous plan. Because of the savings in labor, twenty gold coins were left, and there were two left. Chu Ye directly gave the two gold coins to the village chief as hard work.

    The new house was finally completed, and Chu Ye moved the beehive into the new house.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and said, "You are very happy that the bee colony has moved to a new house!"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Of course, they are too noisy, and those who are always noisy can't sleep." After the new hive was built, two steps away from the house, I could finally be relieved.

    Lin Chuwen couldn't help but smile when he heard Chu Ye's complaint.

    After the house was built, the carpenter Wang sent another 100 beehives, and the bee colony brought back by Xiaoyin finally had a place to be placed.

    Xiaoyin and Xuebao go hunting in the mountains from time to time, and when they go back to the mountains, most of them don't come back empty-handed.

    Because they often go hunting together, the relationship between Xiaoyin and Xuebao is getting better and better, and the cooperation between the two is getting more and more tacit.

    One fox and one bee cooperated to kill three fifth-order beasts in the mountains one after another.

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