Chapter 65 The Lin Family's Reaction

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    Lin Mengrong looked at the backs of Chu Ye and the two, and the more she looked, the more she felt that Chu Ye was the one who took the nine-tailed fox grass at the previous auction.

    "Mengrong, what's wrong with you?" Mu Lingtian asked.

    Lin Mengrong shook her head, "It's nothing, it's just that the nine-tailed fox grass in the previous auction should have been taken away by Chu Ye." During the

    auction, the other party was wearing a mask, and she couldn't tell who the other party was, but , she didn't wear it, the other party should have seen it.

    Lin Mengrong couldn't help biting her lip when she thought of the scene where the mysterious man was tit-for-tat with them at the auction.

    Did Chu Ye compete with her desperately because she wanted nine-tailed fox grass?

    Does the other party hate her that much? What did she do to make the other party hate her so much! Lin Mengrong bit her lip and couldn't help feeling a little aggrieved.

    What is the attitude of the first article? Did Chu Ye want to fight with her, or did Chu Ye fight with her only after being instructed by Lin Chuwen?

    "They're all relatives. If it's them, then they're going too far." Mu Lingtian was a little bit angry for Lin Mengrong.     Lin Mengrong shook his head, "After Elder Lin Qiu's accident, in order to repay the debt

    , the family had no choice but to take away all of Elder Lin Qiu's things. Chu Wen's temperament became a lot more surly, and he probably held grudges on the rest of the family."

Paying back the money, isn't that just right?" Mu Lingtian said.

    "Chuwen, he probably didn't think so." Lin Mengrong shook his head.

    Mu Lingtian looked at Lin Mengrong's sad expression, and felt a little distressed, "Chu Ye doesn't look good. If your cousin doesn't listen to you, you will suffer sooner or later."

    Mu Lingtian originally thought that Chu Ye was somewhat capable, but found that Lin After Chu Wen was probably an excellent pharmacist, he immediately decided that the other party was a little white-faced person who eats soft rice, and coaxed Lin Chuwen to give up on him with flattery. feeling of something.

    Lin Mengrong hesitated for a moment and asked, "Ling Tian, ​​if Chu Wen agreed to you, would you really take Senior Meng to accept him as a disciple?"

    Mu Lingtian frowned and said, "Just help me introduce, It's up to him to see how far he can go."

    Meng Chengtian has a good relationship with the Mu family, and gave the Mu family three disciples, and many members of the Mu family are competing for this position.

    Before, Mu Lingtian introduced Lin Mengrong to After seeing Meng Chengtian, the other party was not too satisfied after seeing Lin Mengrong refining medicine, and only accepted him as a registered disciple.

    Nominal disciples are very different from real disciples. Nominal disciples are more like chores. Only real disciples can learn real skills. Lin Mengrong was a little disappointed.

    Lin Mengrong couldn't help thinking, if Lin Chuwen agreed, Meng Chengtian didn't know if he would accept it as a true biography. If Lin Chuwen becomes the true biography, what will she do?

    "If you do this, will the people in the family have any opinions?"

    Mu Lingtian frowned, and the competition for places was fierce. Before, when he introduced Lin Mengrong, many people in the family were dissatisfied. If he introduced Lin Chuwen again , People in the family are bound to talk a lot. Even so, Mu Lingtian still wanted to win over Lin Chuwen, and a voice in his heart told him that recruiting this person would help him a lot. "Let's talk about it later."

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