Chapter 98 Ice silk worm cold marrow.

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    Chu Ye almost realized Li Tian's ending and withdrew his soul power.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Lin Chuwen and asked, "How is it?"

    Chu Ye thought about it and said, "Li Tian is doomed."

    The people behind the two female nuns should have planned to plan the "treasure". long time.

    Both gangs took Li Tian as a fool. As a result, now that they found out that they had been tricked by a fool, they had spent so much time in vain, and they must be as uncomfortable as eating flies.

    "If you're dead, you're dead." Li Tian wasn't a good person anyway.

    Lin Chuwen guessed that it was not the first time that Li Tian had done such a thing, but he was not very lucky. The two female nuns he met this time were not simple people.

    Chu Ye held his chin and said, "I wanted to wait for those two groups to lose both. Since the treasure is fake, I'm afraid it won't be able to fight."

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "It's a matter of picking up a bargain. It doesn't happen every day, don't think too much."

    Chu Ye: "..." Sure enough, things like luck cannot be repeated over and over again. Yang Zhen's shopping incident can only be regarded as their luck.

    After two hours, Chu Ye released his soul power again, and as expected, he saw Li Tian's body.

    Li Tian's body was messed up beyond recognition.

    The people behind the two female cultivators reluctantly searched on the spot and found that there was indeed no treasure and left.

    "Those people are gone, let's go too." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head, hugged Xuebao and said, "Xuebao wants to see the treasure."

    Chu Ye: "..." It's not a real treasure, it's a fake treasure! However, since everyone has followed, even if it's fake, it doesn't matter if you go to see it, otherwise it will make people unwilling.

    "Okay, let's go."

    Xuebao jumped and ran on the snow and quickly reached his destination.

    Xuebao shook his tail and rushed into the ice cave.

    Although Li Tian has already said that the ice cave is fake, the two groups of people who came here seem to have explored the ice cave. layer.

    Xuebao dug in the ice cave for a while, but found nothing. Instead, his paws were frostbitten, and Xuebao let out a disappointed "chirp".

    Lin Chuwen rubbed Xuebao's head and said, "If you can't find anything, let's go."

    Xuebao shook his head and continued to dig around, and suddenly a fist-sized passage was dug out.

    "Oh, there is a passage! Why does this passage look like a hole made by a snow mouse!"

    Lin Chuwen tried the ice cave passage and found that the passage was very stable.

    "It shouldn't be the hole made by the snow mouse. The hole made by the snow mouse is not so stable."

    Chu Ye released his soul power and probed the passage.

    Due to the limitations of the environment, Chu Ye could not find out the details of the passage.

    "Could it be that the treasure is in this ice road?" If you want to dig all the passages, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

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