Chapter 148 Chu Sichen is jealous

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    After visiting the hive, Chu Ye continued to hang out with a few people.

    Chu Jing scratched his head and said anxiously: "Brother Ye, I heard that you have raised a lot of chickens, what kind of dragon and tiger chicken, what kind of chicken is the dragon tiger chicken! Is this chicken dragon tiger and Meng Jing, very good? Fight! My dear, I heard that the chicken can be sold for 50,000 gold coins! There are also many rich people in the two realms! Spend so much money to buy a chicken!"

    Chu Jing said this, Chu Ye couldn't help being a little speechless.

    This guy, Chu Jing, is a fool! She's even stupider than this girl Chu Wan'er.

    Before, the owner of Piao Xianju, Wu Feng, had approached them to buy chickens and eggs that could strengthen the yang. Lin Chuwen agreed to study it.

    After that, Lin Chuwen really raised a few chickens that met Wufeng's requirements. The eggs were all packaged by Piao Xianju. As for the egg-laying chickens, there were only a few chickens in total, and Lin Chuwen was not willing to sell them. .

    Piao Xianju named this kind of egg dragon-tiger egg, which is rare and expensive, because Lin Chuwen doesn't sell dragon-tiger chicken, but many spirit masters are more and more eager for this chicken, and the price is getting higher and higher.

    Chu Ye looked at Chu Jing with some sympathy.

    Anyone with a little common sense knows exactly what a dragon and tiger chicken is, that is, Chu Jing, a brain idiot, regards the dragon and tiger chicken as a fighting chicken.

    Chu Jing burned out his brain when he was a child, and he was a little confused.

    Although this guy's brain is not very good, he is lucky. He rescued a calf by chance in the wild and made a contract directly. The calf is a flaming cow, and his appearance is not bad.

    This flaming ox is good at plowing the land. Chu Jing brought the ox and ploughed the land for the spiritual planter in the family, and he could make a lot of money.

    The Flaming Bull is not a clever soul beast. Chu Jing was not very smart at first, but after contracting with the Flaming Bull, he became more and more stupid.

    Chu Jing's father seems to have always wanted to find a smarter daughter-in-law for this son and give birth to a smarter grandson. Chu Ye is very curious, Chu Jing married a daughter-in-law, do you know how to use it?

    Chu Ye smiled and said: "Dragon tiger chicken is not aggressive, its combat power is average."

    Chu Jing said with some doubts: "Since the combat power is average, why is it so expensive, and the people who buy it are crazy?"

    Chu Ye nodded. Said: "Yes, they are crazy."

    Chu Jing blinked, and said in disbelief: "I heard that many people want to buy, then they are all crazy."

    Chu Ye nodded and said: "Almost so. ."

    Chu Jing blinked, and said somewhat surprised: "Are there so many lunatics in Liangjiecheng?"

    Chu Ye: "Yes!"

    "The lunatic is so rich?" Chu Jing asked with some doubts.

    Chu Ye nodded

    . He didn't even have five hundred gold coins.

    Chu Ye: "..."

    Chu Wan'er looked at Chu Jing and said dully: "Brother Jing, Chu Ye is joking with you, those people are not lunatics, they are just sexists."

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