Chapter 97 Reverse

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    The man got off the snowmobile and walked gracefully in front of the two with a fan.

    "Two fellow Daoists, it's a pleasure to meet." The man bowed his hands politely.

    Chu Ye nodded lightly, and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

    Chu Ye looked at Li Tian, ​​and secretly said: Although this playboy is an idiot, he is quite polite, and he is not useless.

    "Meeting is fate. Are you two here to hunt for treasures in the Arctic?" Li Tian asked.    

    Chu Ye nodded complained half-truth. 

   The male cultivator shook his head and said with some sigh, "I have seen many treasure hunters who have been searching for treasures in the icefield for more than ten years. They have found nothing, and in the end they have to give up. How can there be so many treasures in this world!" 

     Chu Ye nodded. Approvingly, "Yes!"

   The male cultivator smiled, looked back at the two female nuns, and said a little embarrassedly, "My two companions are hungry, I don't know if they can even bake one. Give us the rabbit, and I can pay."  

    Lin Chuwen glanced at the two nuns and said, "Yes, the money is not needed, it's just a roasted rabbit."   

   Xuebao took out a nest of snow rabbits and caught them Eight of them, two of them and one fox, can't eat that much.

    Xuebao yelled a little indignantly, Lin Chuwen touched Xuebao's head helplessly, and comforted the little fox who was running away.

    The male cultivator said politely, "You two are really generous."

     "You're welcome." Lin Chuwen said indifferently.

    Although Lin Chuwen said that there was no need to pay, the male cultivator still paid two gold coins as a reward, and then took a roasted rabbit and left with the two female cultivators.     Chu Ye held two gold coins with a strange expression on his face.

    "After we entered the ice field, the first time we saw the return money." Although it was only two gold coins.

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "Put it away."

    "Give it to Xuebao, the rabbit that Xuebao has worked so hard to catch. The money in exchange is of great commemorative value." Chu Ye said.

    The little fox turned his face away and didn't want it.

    Chu Ye looked at the little fox, shook his head, and said, "We Xuebao have high eyesight, we don't like two gold coins, Xuebao, no matter how small a mosquito is, you know that?" The

    little fox squeaked, Chu Ye Did not understand.

    Chu Ye and Xuebao have been together for a long time. Sometimes, they can understand Xuebao's words. However, when Xuebao's meaning becomes complicated, Chu Ye can't understand it.

    "What did Xuebao say?"

    Lin Chuwen shrugged and said, "Xuebao said he doesn't like eating mosquitoes."

    Chu Ye: "..." Well, he doesn't like it either.


    After the three of them left, Chu Ye looked at the compass and twitched the corners of his mouth.

    "There are two groups of people behind who did follow the three people just now. It shouldn't be a coincidence."

    Lin Chuwen asked curiously, "Is there anything in these three people that is worth plotting by the people behind?"

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