Chapter 30 Colorless Jade

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    Chu Ye contacted Xia Shan, and Xia Shan quickly drove over to pick up the two.

    Chu Ye is more generous and has a good temper. He can occasionally send some honey, spirit wine, etc. Xia Shan is very happy to do Chu Ye's business.

    Xia Shan was a little surprised when he saw the little fox, "Why does this fox grow like this?"

    "I've been eating better recently, and it's slowly growing." Chu Ye said carelessly.

    Xia Shan rolled his eyes and secretly said: Chu Ye is taking him for an idiot! Whose soul pet has grown and changed so much.

    The little fox bared his teeth at Xia Shan and released the pressure on his body. Xia Shan's Huoyun Ma was frightened and stepped back.

    The little fox still remembered that Xia Shan called him the ugly fox in front of him, and when he got angry, he wanted to tease the other side, and Xia Shan was taken aback and was taken aback.

    Lin Chuwen reluctantly took the little fox into the soul sea.

    "Brother Lin, your fox is very powerful!"

    When Xia Shan met Lin Chuwen, Lin Chuwen was seriously injured. When he saw the little fox, he just paid attention to the appearance of the little fox. The little fox would be provocative. It was found that Lin Chuwen's fox did not seem to have a low level.

    Xia Shan scratched his head, feeling that he had been living in vain for the past few years, even if the bee contracted by Chu Ye was higher than his Huoyunma, even Lin Chuwen's little fox.

    "You are so lucky! Picking up anyone on the road is a powerful soul pet master." Xia Shan said.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "That's not it." Lin Chuwen was not just a soul pet master.

    Xia Shan secretly made up his mind to work hard to earn gold coins and raise the level of Huoyun Ma.

    "Brother Xia, let's make our way." Chu Ye said.

    Xia Shan nodded and said, "Yes, yes, open the way, open the way."


    Three days later, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen arrived at Black Cloud City.

    After arriving at Black Cloud City, Xia Shan left, and Xia Shan made an agreement with the two to pick them up five days later.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen paid the entry fee of three silver coins and entered the city gate.

    "The big towns are different!" Chu Ye muttered.

    The streets of Heiyun City are very wide, and many soul pets roam the streets. Chu Ye saw a crocodile several meters long, a three-meter tall frog, a giant wooden beast as long as a big tree, and a majestic saber-toothed tiger. ...

    Compared with the various soul beasts on the street, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen's foxes and silver-winged bees are very inconspicuous.

    Lin Chuwen looked around and said, "Normally, there shouldn't be so many people. Now there are auctions, so there are more people."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "It should be."

    There are many people on the street. The inns were full, so Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen searched for four inns in a row before they found a guest room.

    Many people on the street are talking about this auction, and many mortals are also enthusiastic about the auction.

    "This auction seems to have a lot of good things." Chu Ye said.

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