Chapter 40 The news of Chu Sichen

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    A month after the beginning of spring, Chu Ye rented an ox cart in the village and transported honey to the town.

    "Young Master Ye hasn't been here for a long time! I can't wait!" The shopkeeper greeted Chu Ye enthusiastically when he saw Chu Ye.

    Chu Ye's honey business is getting bigger and bigger, and now, it can be regarded as a big customer in the store.

    "It was cold before, and many silver-winged bees hibernated, so I didn't bother to come out." The     shopkeeper

    smiled and said, "So that's how it is!"

Also heard.

    The shopkeeper originally believed that Chu Ye had contracted Silver Winged Bee, and it would be of no use. This would depend on the reputation of the other party. He wondered if he had made a mistake in his judgment, or if Mei Village was exaggerating.

    Chu Ye and a few villagers who came with him brought up a jar of honey.

    The shopkeeper checked the honey and said, "Young Master Chu, these silver snow honeys are of ordinary quality. You can only give 15 silver coins per jar."    

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

At the beginning, it expanded several times, and while collecting some silver-winged bees with rank, Xiaoyin also collected a large number of ordinary silver-winged bees.

    The honey that Chu Ye took out this time was brewed by ordinary silver-winged bees.

    Many silver-winged bees that make these honeys have not even drank the spiritual spring water very much, and the quality is very general.

    Although the honey was of average quality, the quantity was quite considerable. Chu Ye brought 200 jars over at once. Although it was a bit cheaper, it still contained 300 gold coins.

    The shopkeeper looked at Chu Ye and couldn't help but say, "Young Master Chu's production of honey is good!"

    Although it was just some ordinary honey, it was not easy to achieve such an amount.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

    The shopkeeper looked at Chu Ye, hesitated for a while, and said, "I heard that there are some high-grade silver-winged bees in the bee colony raised by Chu Shao, and the purchase price of honey brewed by those silver-winged bees will be several times higher."

    The shopkeeper secretly said: Ordinary silver-winged honey can only take the path of small profits but quick turnover. The high-grade silver snow honey is different. The high-grade honey is a sought-after product. If he pays tribute to it, perhaps his position can still be used. Just a mention.

    Chu Ye said casually: "Where are there so many high-grade silver-winged bees! It's all based on falsehoods." The

    shopkeeper nodded and said, "That's right! High-grade silver snow honey is indeed not easy to come by. "

    Chu Ye thought to himself: the good honey still has to be reserved for his own use, and the money is not bad right now, so there is no need to sell it.

    A few villagers who came with him were a little stunned when they saw that Chu Ye sold honey for 300 gold coins.

    "Young Master Chu, you are making money too fast." A villager couldn't help but said.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "Where is it?"

    Chu Ye took the gold coins and went shopping, leaving a few villagers talking about it.

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