Chapter 159 Back to the Two Realms City

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    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen strolled around Sanyang City, took the flying spirit beast, and returned to Liangjie City.

    As soon as Chu Ye returned to the cave, several silver-winged bees buzzed over.

    "How is the situation?" Lin Chuwen asked.

    Chu Ye frowned and said, "After we left, there was no beast tide, but it seems that there were spirit beasts lurking in to check the situation."

    "What spirit beast?" Lin Chuwen said.

    "It should be a gopher." Chu Ye said.

    "Escape Gopher, is it the Qian family?" Lin Chuwen muttered.

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "I can't tell you."

    Although the Qian family kept a lot of spirit mice, it was not only the Qian family who kept spirit mice. With the ninth rank of scholar, the Qian family should not have such a high-level gopher. Of course, it may also be deliberately hidden by the Qian family.

    "Is there much less stuff?" Lin Chuwen asked.

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "I don't think so." The cave was guarded by a bee colony, and even a mouse couldn't turn over the flowers.

    "Let's check around first." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Okay." The

    two went to the spirit medicine field first, and left for a few months. No one took care of the spirit medicine in the spirit medicine field. However, the spirit medicine in the spirit medicine field looked pretty good. , A few herbal chickens strolled leisurely in the fields, pecking at an elixir from time to time.

    "The herbal chickens are all gathered here!" Chu Ye muttered.

    "Probably hungry." When Lin Chuwen left, he threw some spiritual grass to the chickens, but the amount was not too much.

    They left for a few months, and the herbal chicken did not find a way out on its own, fearing that it would starve to death.

    "These guys will enjoy it!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen looked at the herbal chickens operating in the spiritual field, and thought to himself: These chickens seem to be very knowledgeable. They devoured all the best quality spiritual grasses in the spiritual field, and some cheap ones were left.

    Chu Ye said sullenly, "These guys really know how to eat!" They didn't need to feed them. These herbal chickens would find spiritual medicine to eat on their own, but they got fatter.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said in agreement, "Yeah!"

    "It seems that the several kinds of spirit herbs you used to refine the medicine have all been eaten away." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, just plant it again."

    "These prodigal chickens!" Chu Ye said dully.

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "That's fine! The herbal chicken has grown a lot and can be sold."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "That's true."

    After seeing the herbal chicken, the two After seeing the big silkworms, the number of big silkworms in the mulberry forest has increased a lot compared to when the two left.

    Many big silkworms are white and fat, and there are several more silkworm kings.

    On weekdays, Xiaocai is there, and there is a smell of Xiaocai on the King Lingsang tree. Many timid big silkworms dare not approach. Xiaocai left with Lin Chuwen this time, and the aura that remained on the King Lingsang tree gradually dissipated. , All the big meat silkworms climbed above the King Lingsang tree, and the leaves on the King Lingsang tree were gnawed in pieces.

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