Chapter 37 The Wolves Come Down the Mountain

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    The wolves are good at lurking, but under the compass, there is absolutely nothing to hide, Xiaoyin got Chu Ye's guidance, led the army, and killed the wolves, and soon the bees and the wolves faced off.

    "Hey!" Xiaoyin let out a long whistle, and the silver-winged bee colony attached to Xiaoyin and sent out a sonic attack.

    The beeps of thousands of silver-winged bees mixed into a ball, piercing the soul, and the sharp beeps caused the wolves to go into a trance.

    A snow-white figure jumped up in front of the Alpha Wolf, a paw grabbed a hole in the Alpha Wolf's head, and the bloody soul crystal was pulled out.

    Xiaoyin's sonic attack can attack the soul in an instant, and the swarm can bless Xiaoyin's sonic attack, and the momentary daze of the alpha wolf gave Xuebao a chance.

    Chu Ye stared at the fallen alpha wolf and widened his eyes.

    Chu Ye knew for a long time that with the strengths of Xuebao and Xiaoyin, it would not be difficult to kill a fifth-rank wolf, but Chu Ye did not expect that a bee and a fox would join forces to kill the same rank in seconds.

    As soon as the alpha wolf died, the wolves were a little confused. Xue Bao was among the wolves, flicking left and right, and quickly killed a few wolves.

    "Xuebao's claws are very sharp!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Xuebao also awakened the inheritance memory."

    Chu Ye nodded, and secretly said: After all, it is a high-grade soul beast, and its combat power is not ordinary. comparable.

    When the first wolf died, the remaining wolf beasts were in chaos.

    Xiaoyin summoned the bees to besiege the wolves. Chu Ye was a little surprised to find that the first attack of the bees was the lower three roads of the wolves. Many wolves were attacked and fell to the ground crying and howling. It looked miserable. Incomparably, Chu Ye rubbed his face in embarrassment.

    There are two fifth-order silver-winged bees in the Xiaoyin team. The power of the fifth-order silver-winged bee's poison needle is extraordinary. After a fourth-order wolf beast was hit by the poison needle, the speed of escape dropped sharply, causing Xue Bao, who was chasing after him. A palm smashed his head.

    The level of wolves is lower, and the bee colony will be solved directly without Xuebao's shot.

    The wolves hold revenge, Chu Ye has the guidance of the compass, and solves the wolves without any leakage.

    Lin Chuwen cut off the wolves' left ears one by one, and the fifth-order alpha wolf directly peeled off the animal skin.

    The state government gives a gold coin for killing a wolf. There is no extra reward for a high-level wolf. Lin Chuwen does not intend to turn over the five-level wolf ears, nor does a fourth-level one. They are not bad for those few gold coins. So swaggering.

    The battle happened quickly and ended quickly. In less than a stick of incense, the wolves fell.

    Chu Ye looked at the compass, squinted his eyes, and said, "The Wang brothers and sisters have met with the wolves."

    Lin Chuwen looked at the compass, and said with a dark face, "This route, they went down the mountain."

    Lin Chuwen pursed his lips. The Wang brothers and sisters actually fled in the direction of Mei Village. Are these two brothers and sisters trying to lead the wolves to the village? Most of the village are some civilians!

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