Chapter 181 Hornet Territory

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    Wild jungle.

    Chu Ye looked at the information uploaded by the rumor tree, and sighed, "Chuwen, it seems that everyone knows your identity as a mysterious pharmacist."

    Lin Chuwen frowned, and said with some doubts: "I know. Are there so many people?"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "It should be."

    Lin Chuwen took a deep breath, he had long thought that his identity would be exposed, but he didn't expect that he would be exposed so quickly. Everyone knows it.

    "How could it be like this?" Lin Chuwen was half complaining, half helpless.

    Chu Ye puffed out his cheeks, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Everyone is too gossipy, it's a bunch of boring people."

    They are so low-key, but those people are doing everything they can to get rid of their old bottoms, they are really a bunch of eaters A full man with nothing to do.

    "By the way, five of the top ten mysterious pharmacists are suspected to have died." Chu Ye said.

    "Really?" Those people are really unlucky enough.

    Chu Ye took a deep breath. It was suspected that five people on the list had died. He and Chu Wen were the masters, and their situation was even more dangerous.

    Chu Ye said a little depressedly: "The intelligence organization of the Two Realms City is really not to be underestimated."

    After Lin Chuwen's identity as a pharmacist was revealed, he and Lin Chuwen's soul beasts were both pulled out and analyzed. The analysis is pretty good.

    The strengths of him and Lin Chuwen are almost the same as those guessed by these intelligence organizations.

    The exposure of strength is still very unfavorable to their situation.

    Chu Ye originally thought of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but seeing the current situation, the effect is not great.

    Fortunately, although these intelligence organizations are of some level, they are not omniscient. His Mo Tuanzi has not been exposed, nor has there been a dozen or so queen bees in the bee colony.

    "The news spread so well, the Chu family and the Lin family also got the news." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Probably."

    Lin Chuwen blinked and said with a strange expression, "I don't know what the reaction was at home."

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "Some people are probably going to sleep. No more."

    If the heroine knew the identity of Lin Chuwen's mysterious pharmacist, she didn't know how she would react.

    Forget about the Chu family and the Lin family, the top priority is to save their lives first, they will be in danger.


    Chu Ye sat on Xuebao and walked through the jungle.

    Chu Ye fiddled with the compass, squinted his eyes, and said, "Something's wrong!"

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and said, "Is there anyone watching?"

    Chu Ye nodded, and said, "There is a soldier-level bird, It should have been a while since you followed us." There are a lot of 100,000 wild birds, and it is not surprising to encounter them, but if you follow them all the time, there will be problems.

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