Chapter 121 Troubleshooting

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    Xiaobai stood on top of an elephant beast, his eyes condescendingly patrolling the field, looking for a suitable opponent.

    The invading taxi-rank eighth-order elephant beast was holding Xiaobai, but it didn't dare to move under Xiaobai's coercion.

    The little white tiger is a top bloodline, and the bloodline is very powerful. The elephant beast is affected by the little white bloodline, and feels a sense of panic from the bottom of his heart.

    Xiaobai's eyes glanced left and right, as if the king was inspecting his territory.

    Xiaobai looked at the iron-patterned lion, shook his head, and said in his heart: This lion is too stupid, Bai has grown so big, it is a shame to let a fox like Xuebao play around.

    Qian Dingxing looked at Xiaobai who was standing on top of the elephant beast, and felt an aura of dominance over the world from Xiaobai.

    Feeling the spirit of a king from a white civet cat, Qian Dingxing felt that he must be crazy.

    Killing two ninth-rank warrior-level soul beasts in a row increased Xiaobai's confidence, and Xiaobai's appetite could no longer be satisfied by the warrior-level soul beasts.

    Xiaobai licked his lips, and a faint green light flashed in his eyes.

    Seeing the treasure-hunting mouse confronting the magic rabbit, Xiaobai's eyes flashed with disdain.

    There are more than a dozen silver-winged wasps at the back end of the scholar-level to contain the magic rabbit, and the treasure-hunting mouse is still timid.

    Xiaobai looked at the strong limbs of the magic rabbit, his stomach growled, and suddenly he wanted to eat rabbit meat.

    Xiaobai looked at the magic rabbit fighting the treasure hunter, and the more he looked, the more greedy he became.

    Chu Ye was commanding the battle from a hidden place, and suddenly his stomach growled.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiao Bai, and saw Xiao Bai staring at the magic rabbit with glowing eyes, looking like he was about to laugh.

    Chu Ye frowned and said secretly: Xiaobai is a small one, and his appetite is really good! I actually want to eat a rabbit.

    Xiaobai quickly jumped out in the direction of the magic rabbit, and with a jump, smashed heavily on the head of the magic rabbit.

    The magic rabbit was furious, shook his head, and threw Xiaobai off.

    Xiaobai was thrown down vigorously, and Xiaobai, who was thrown down, was furious, like a cannonball coming out of his chamber, and slammed into the rabbit's stomach.

    While fighting the spider swarm, Hu Mingyue paid attention to the situation on the Rabbit's side. Knowing that Mrs. Qian was unreliable, Hu Mingyue planned to solve her opponent as soon as possible, and returned to help in the past. Unfortunately, her opponent this time was more difficult to deal with. Hu Mingyue couldn't get away for a while.

    Seeing Xiaobai standing in front of the spirit-seeking mouse to deal with the rabbit, Hu Mingyue was surprised and speechless.

    Xiaobai waved his claws and attacked the magic rabbit. When the magic rabbit saw the white civet cat waving its claws at him, he was furious and released the pressure on his body with all his strength.

    It stands to reason that a warrior-level soul beast can have a considerable impact on a warrior-level soul beast just by coercion. However, Xiaobai is different. Xiaobai is a top-grade soul beast and often "fights" with little foxes. , The experienced is very, the coercion of the devil rabbit is much inferior to the little fox, and it can't affect Xiaobai at all.

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