Chapter 18 Cooperative Hunting

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    Chu Ye took Lin Chuwen up the mountain and collected the beehives that were placed on the mountain one by one.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen had good luck. Not long after they went up the mountain, they found a snowball grass on the mountain, which could be sold for a dozen gold coins, which could be regarded as a good start.

    Xiaoyin lay on Chu Ye's shoulder and called out "buzz" twice.

    Chu Ye glanced at Lin Chuwen and said with a wry smile: "Chuwen, your fox seems to have fought with a snake in the woods over there."

    Lin Chuwen was stunned for a moment, and sure enough, the little fox beside him had disappeared. .

    Lin Chuwen and Chu Ye walked towards a forest, only to see more than a dozen blood pythons entrenched in the woods, and the little fox confronted a dozen blood pythons with a rather tyrannical momentum.

    A big snake half-straightened towards the little fox and attacked.

    "Roar." The little fox roared, and a cold breath burst out, and the snake's head was instantly frozen.

    Infected by the cold, the snake's movements became much slower.

    The little fox seized the opportunity and slapped the big snake seven inches with his palm, and the big snake wilted instantly.

    Several big snakes saw their companions being killed, and Qi Qi tore at the little fox.

    The little fox moved nimbly and avoided the attack of the big snake.

    While dodging the big snake's attack, the little fox waved its claws in response. The little fox's speed was extremely fast, and Chu Ye could only see the afterimages of the claws coming out.

    After a while, several pythons had their skins torn open and blood flowed.

    The little fox wagged its tail, and there was a fierce light in its eyes. It didn't look like a fox, but a tiger and leopard that chose people to eat.

    Xiaoyin looked at the appearance of the little fox killing the enemy, was aroused bloody, and called the bee swarm to kill the snake group.

    The swarm of bees flew towards the group of snakes, and the scene was spectacular.

    The snakeskin is flexible, but the silver-winged bee stitches on the top-grade silver-winged bee under the little silver hand are also very sharp, and it is not a problem to penetrate the snakeskin.

    The little fox and the little silver were both at the third level, and their bloodlines were very good. Only the leader of the snake group was at the third level. They soon lost to the enemy and fell behind, and a group of blood pythons were completely killed.

    After the blood python was completely killed, Chu Ye took stock of the loot and harvested a total of one third-level soul crystal, three second-level soul crystals, and fifteen first-level soul crystals, which in total could be sold for seventy or eighty gold coins. .

    After a fight, the little fox licked his paws, feeling a little tired.

    Lin Chuwen walked over, hugged the tired little fox in his arms, and comforted him.

    Lin Chuwen secretly said: The little fox took some risks against the snake group alone. Fortunately, the silver-winged bee colony helped, and the combat power of the bee colony is really strong.

    The bee colonies under Xiaoyin's banner are all silver-winged bees that do not enter the rank, but they can kill high-rank blood pythons by relying on the number and poisonous needles. If the rank of the colony is higher, it will be even more fierce.

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