chapter 192 Xiao bao show prestige.

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    The little fox wagged its tail and used the fox trick at the blood shadow mouse, and Xiao Cai, who was lying on the little fox's head, cooperated with it to perform an illusion.

    Lin Nanjiang looked at this scene with a sneer on his face, secretly said: Blood Shadow Rat is a soul beast at the peak of the ninth rank. It has been nurtured by the king's soul beast all the year round with the master, and has a firm mind. It is far from ordinary wild beasts. The only dead fox wants to confuse the blood shadow mouse by illusion, and is delusional.

    Lin Nanjiang thought so, but the blood shadow mouse's eyes gradually became slack, as if he was in a haze.

    Seeing Lin Nanjiang's reaction, Chu Ye curled his lips and said secretly: This person is too underestimated. Xuebao has the pure bloodline of the nine-tailed demon fox. After being baptized in the Demon Refinement Pond, the bloodline of the little fox has been improved again.

    The charm of the nine-tailed demon fox is famous all over the world, and it cannot be resisted by ordinary demon beasts, not to mention the little fox and Xiao Cai.

    Lin Nanjiang actually allowed the little fox to use the fox trick without interference, as if he was a little arrogant.

    Soon the Blood Shadow Rat screamed loudly and kept attacking, seemingly caught in a siege.

    "Calm down." Lin Nanjiang shouted to the Blood Shadow Rat.

    Lin Nanjiang looked at the condition of the Blood Shadow Rat and knew that it was an illusion, thinking that there were enemies around.

    Lin Nanjiang used the beast card to communicate with the blood shadow mouse.

    The blood shadow mouse is not a soul beast of Lin Nanjiang, but the ancestor of the Five Poisons. Lin Nanjiang cannot communicate directly with soul power, but can only use the imperial beast card.

    Looking at Lin Nanjiang's reaction, Chu Ye secretly said: Slow, this is too slow!

    In the battle of soul beasts, victory and defeat are often in one thought, and Lin Nanjiang's reaction speed is too slow.

    Chu Ye thought about it and understood again. Lin Nanjiang had killed many geniuses, and he had also killed several ninth-order soul masters. The other party probably didn't take him and Lin Chuwen seriously at all.

    The little fox opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of fire towards the blood shadow mouse, and the blood shadow mouse was engulfed by the Qingmu ice lotus flame in an instant.

    The Shadow Escape Technique of the Blood Shadow Rat is very powerful. Under the circumstances, it would still be difficult for the little fox to hit the flame attack. However, when the Blood Shadow Rat is hit by the illusion, it is much simpler.

    The Aoki Ice Lotus Fire was very domineering, and it swept the Blood Shadow Mouse over in an instant.

    The Blood Shadow Rat who was attacked by the flames rolled on the ground in pain. The Aoki Ice Lotus Fire was not an ordinary flame, and could not be extinguished for a while.

    Lin Nanjiang recalled the Shadow Blood Bat King, and the Shadow Blood Bat Dynasty rushed over with the little fox.

    The little fox immediately shifted his target and spewed a large piece of flame towards the Shadow Blood Bolt King. The Shadow Blood Bolt King avoided the flame attack and rushed into the sky.

    Chu Ye's soul power has been shrouded in the battlefield. Seeing the blood bat king flying into the sky, he immediately mobilized the restraint, and a restraint accurately hit the shadow blood bat king.

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