Chapter 81 The Violet Sect Destroyed

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    The flames continued to burn Li Mingsheng's legs, and then spread to other parts. Li Mingsheng was in pain and rolled on the ground.

    "Grandpa, save me, save me!"

    Li Hong felt a little distressed when he saw his grandson's tragic state, but he was also resentful that his grandson had attracted such a powerful opponent.

    Although Li Mingsheng is very fond of Li Hong, Li Hong is not the only descendant of him.

    Li Mingsheng was determined that he could not keep it, Li Hong waved his hand and ended up with the other party.

    "This fellow Daoist, this is my grandson's fault, why don't we stop here?" Li Hong lowered his stance.

    "So far, you have thought too much." Qingluan real person sneered.

    Qingluan Zhenren was already mad, and if Li Mingsheng died, he couldn't calm down his anger at all.

    Under the order of the Soul King, the colorful luanque started the massacre of the cultivators of the Ziluo Sect.

    The colorful luan sparrow spreads its wings, and the king's coercion is fully displayed.

    The colorful luanque fluttered its wings, and the gust of wind suddenly erupted. The soul beast swept away by the gust of wind was scarred at light, and cut in half at one stroke.

    Seeing the other party's attitude, Li Hong realized that he couldn't be kind anymore, and he couldn't take any luck.

    Some of the responsive monks in the Ziluo Sect, realizing that something was wrong, fled one after another.

    Chu Ye squinted his eyes and said secretly: Things in this world are changing so quickly. Before, there were so many people who wanted to be disciples of the Ziluo Sect. Now, the disciples of the Ziluo sect have all become bereaved dogs and have fled.

    "That Soul King powerhouse is really ruthless. If you want to kill your grandson, you will kill him." Li Hong cut off his grandson's throat immediately, which really startled Chu Ye.

    Lin Chuwen said calmly: "His decision is still very wise. It is the strong soul king who has come. As the ruler of the Ziluo Sect, it is natural to consider the overall situation."

    Li Mingsheng killed the son of the soul king, for sure If he wants to die, if his death can save him from a disaster, then he will die properly, but judging from the attitude of the foreign soul king, he will not die endlessly.

    Chu Ye shook his head, and said with some sigh: "The adopted son is not taught, and the disaster is full."

    "I think the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked." Without the support of the Ziluo Sect, Li Mingsheng would not act so recklessly.

    Chu Ye nodded and said in agreement, "That's true." "No one

    wants to leave." Qingluan roared, and the two people who wanted to escape were burned to ashes.

    The few silver-winged wasps that Chu Ye left near the Violet Sect suddenly cut off contact with them.

    Chu Ye felt a pain in his soul, and knew in his heart that those silver-winged wasps should be dead.

    Under the pressure of the king-level beasts, the scholar-level soul beasts are really vulnerable.

    Many low-level cultivators in the Ziluo Sect screamed in agony, and some flying soul beast cubs fluttered indiscriminately.

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