Chapter 132 Goodbye Chu Yanyu

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    The protective formation opened a gap, and Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen greeted them.

    "Little aunt, long time no see!"

    "Long time no see, I didn't expect you, Xiao Ye, to come to the Two Realms City." Chu Yanyu said.

    "As a spirit master, you always have to find a place to stay. Chuwen and I have chosen it, and we think the two world cities are not bad."

    Chu Yanyu said with some worry: "The two world cities are not bad, but, Once the beast invades, it will be dangerous."

    Chu Ye said nonchalantly: "Wealth is a risk, you can't make a fortune without taking some risks. Fortunately, there is time in this place where the ancestors of Ming are sitting, so it is still safe."

    Chu Yan Rain nodded, "Nevertheless, it's better to be careful."

    "I'll save, these two are..." Chu Ye turned his attention to the two who came with Chu Yanyu.

    Chu Yanyu hurriedly said, "Xiao Ye, these two are my classmates in Qingyun Sect. Senior Brother Zhao Jin Zhao and Senior Sister Wang Ning Wang, both senior brothers and sisters are the leaders of Qingyun Sect."

    Chu Ye cupped his hands. She said to the two of them, "You two are disrespectful."

    Wang Ning said, "Young Master Chu is very polite. I heard that Young Master Chu's fish and chickens are well raised. I wonder if you can show us around?"

    Chu Yanyu wrinkled. Frowning, I vaguely felt that Wang Ning's words were a bit presumptuous.

    Chu Ye nodded, and said cheerfully: "Okay! I'm just groping around with the beasts. I'm afraid I'll be laughable in front of a few people."

    Wang Ning smiled and said politely, "How could it be, Young Master Chu? I have tasted the fish and chicken raised, and the quality is really good."

    "If you are so interested, I will show you some."

    Chu Ye led a few people into the cave, and first went to visit the fish pond.

    In the fish pond, there are many fish swimming around in the lake.

    Chu Ye took out some fish food from the bag by the pond and threw it into the pond. The fish in the lake were attracted by the fish food and fluttered towards the fish food.

    Looking at the energetic fish in the lake, Zhao Jin couldn't help but say, "The fish that Ye raises are really fat! No wonder they are so popular."

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

    Chu Yan Yu has not eaten arowana very much, but he has seen the dragonfish raised by the animal master in the sect. The fish in the sect is well-kept, and there are only two hundred dragonfish in a large lake. Ye is different here. There is only a small pond, and there are four or five hundred arowanas, big and small.

    Zhao Jin stared at the churning fish in the fish pond for a while, "Young Master Chu, are all the dragon fish in your fish pond all white dragon fish?"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes! I also thought about cultivating higher-quality silver arowana and golden arowana, but I tried a few times without success." Chu Ye guessed that some special recipes would be needed to turn the white arowana into a silver arowana. Trying is also useless.

    Zhao Jin smiled and said, "Young Master Chu is very good at raising fish. I believe that in time, silver arowana will be cultivated."

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "You have raised me up." Chu Ye secretly said: Don't just brag! Can you bring some dry goods out and give me a mention!

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