Chapter 15 Going out to release bees

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    After Chu Ye returned to the village, he brought some spirit rice and spirit animal meat to visit the village chief.

    "Young Master Ye, are you looking for another flower source?" the village chief asked.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

    "Is there not enough honey in the mountains?"

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "Not enough."

    The number of flowers in the mountains has decreased a lot, and the little queen bee in Dongshan seems to have let the bees The group expands the meaning of the search for flower sources.

    Xiaoyin seems to want to have a fight with the other party, but Chu Ye doesn't want to.

    The village chief looked at Chu Ye and said, "The flowering period of spirit flowers planted in several surrounding villages is similar to this village. There are not many flower sources, but Huai Village has planted a large number of locust trees, and the locust locust flowers should be blooming soon. "

    There are not many spiritual fields in Huai Village, and there are many mountains, and there are some wild locust trees growing on the mountains.

    One year, a caravan came to buy the petals of the wild locust tree, and the people of Huai Village discovered business opportunities.

    The people of Huai Village began to plant a large area of ​​locust trees on the mountains. After a few years, Huai Village has a large area of ​​locust trees.

    "Do you want the silver-winged bee to go to Huai Village to collect honey? That place is a little far, will your silver-winged bee find a way back!"

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "That's okay.

    " Just bring the beehives with you. There are beekeepers in the world who go to the market all year round.

    As far as Chu Ye knows, acacia is a very good source of flowers. The honey produced by acacia flowers is sweet and delicious, and the honey yield is also high.

    Having access to higher-quality flower sources is also beneficial to the growth of the bee colony.

    Xiaoyin has already entered the third rank. If the honey collection goes well this time, the bee colony may take the opportunity to transform into a few first-rank silver-winged bees.

    The village chief hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have some friendship with the village chief of Nahuai Village. If Young Master Chu wants to bring the bees to collect honey, I can write a letter and recommend Young Master Ye."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "In this way, there will be the village chief." The

    village chief smiled and said, "No problem."

    Chu Ye is already a soul pet master, and has raised a group of silver-winged bees, and is in the honey business. In the eyes of the village chief, Chu Ye has a bright future and is a talented person, and he still has a good relationship.

    Chu Ye returned home. The number of beehives at home had increased to 100. During this time, the number of silver-winged bees at home had not increased much. However, with the supplement of spiritual spring water and broken soul crystals, the size of these silver-winged bees increased. Not a lot.

    Worrying about the crowded beehives, Chu Ye asked Carpenter Wang in the village to make fifty more beehives.

    This time, Chu Ye only planned to take half of the silver-winged bees out, while the other half, Chu Ye planned to put some of them in the mountains for stocking, and left some to gather honey in the village.

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