Chapter 152 Steady Development

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    Time passed silently, and Chu Ye's strength rose steadily.

    With the evil spirit and Lin Chuwen's potion, the number of bee colonies has not grown much recently, but their strength has undergone amazing changes.

    "The people from the Hu family and the Qian family are here." Lin Chuwen said to Chu Ye, who had condensed his soul power.

    Chu Ye opened his eyes, nodded, and said, "

    Got it." After the exchange, Chu Ye suspended the trading of herbal chicken, dragon fish, and large meat silkworm, and began to retreat. The animal bone reward in the trading market was also withdrawn. The communication between the two of them with the outside world is much less.

    When the people from the Hu and Qian families came, Chu Ye would still receive one or two.

    Every time the people from the Hu and Qian families came, they basically gave them animal bones.

    Most of the people of the Hu family followed the route of fighting soul pet masters, and they would go out hunting regularly. The bones of the beasts were of little value to the Hu family, so they were all sent to Chu Ye, and the same was true of the Qian family.

    The Qian family's fighting strength is not very good, but the Qian family often goes out with the hunting team. In the past, the Qian family would ask for some soul crystals and animal skins, but now they mostly want animal bones.

    At the time of the exchange, Chu Ye's gold coins were almost spent, and he didn't have much money on him. The two companies sent animal bones over. Chu Ye basically used soul-forging wine and medicine to pay off the debt. Soul-forging wine and medicine were both hard currencies. Happy to exchange.

    "Young Master Chu, next time you send the animal bones, will you still accept them?" Qian Dingxing asked.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Don't worry, you can accept as much as you want."

    Qian Dingxing nodded and said, "That's good."

    Some of the animal bones sent by Qian Dingxing were from the Qian family's outing. Part of the income from doing the task was actually acquired by the Qian family. Chu Ye does not accept animal bones now. The Qian family collects a little and sells it to Chu Ye, which can make a little difference. Qian Dingxing is a little worried that Chu Ye will suddenly stop accepting it. His animal bones were about to be smashed into his hands.

    "Chu Shao has collected so many animal bones, I'm afraid it won't be used up for decades." Hu Jiao said.

    Chu Ye smiled and secretly said, "Little Nizi just isn't imaginative enough, how can she use it up for decades. It's not enough to use up a lot of animal bones to create a suffocating aura."


    After sending away the money and the Hu family, Chu Ye began to inspect his warehouse.     Chu Ye looked at the animal bones in the warehouse

    and frowned, "The consumption of animal bones is too fast, too fast! Our animal bones are used too fast, have they been stolen by others!"

For the animal bones, several large warehouses were built. As a result, the warehouses were emptied twice after the two suffocation.

    Lin Chuwen rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Who would steal this!"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "That's true."

    Lin Chuwen looked at the animal bones and said, "The rich family is harmonious. The Hu family sends some bones from time to time, and together with the hunting income of Little Fox and Little Silver, it should be enough to refine the Hundred Beasts three times."

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