Chapter 34 Building a House in the Mountains

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    Chu Ye went to the village chief.

    "Do you want to build a hive in the mountains?" the village chief asked in surprise.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

    The village chief had already discovered the abnormality of Chu Ye's house. The small group of silver-winged bees were fine before, but now that so many silver-winged bees have come out, they are dreadful. It caused panic in the village.

    Although the village has gradually accepted the matter of Chu Ye's beekeeping, Chu Ye has raised too many. Chu Ye always has time to go out. If the other party goes out and the silver-winged bees make trouble, the people in the village are not a bee colony. opponent!

    The villagers in the village did not dare to say anything to Chu Ye. Someone had already found him and asked him to help him make peace.

    Chu Ye wants to build a beehive in the mountains and place a colony of bees, and the village chief is in the middle of it.

    "The road in the village is difficult and dangerous. It's not easy to build a house in the mountains. Chu Shao had thought about going there to find the engineering team of soul masters."

    Chu Ye's treatment was good, and the villagers were happy to help him, but This time was different. Whether Chu Ye wanted to build a house in the mountains, or scattered them, depending on what Chu Ye meant, he still wanted to build a house in the deep mountains.

    Most of the people in the village are ordinary people. There are too many wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains. There are too many snakes, insects, mice and ants.

    Moreover, transportation is also a big problem. The terrain in the mountains is complex, and it is difficult to transport bricks and stones in. If the villagers do it, it will be difficult and time-consuming.

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment and asked, "A soul master engineering team, is there any here?" The

    soul master engineering team is a full-time engineering team that builds houses and roads. The people in the team are usually soul pet masters. This kind of engineering team , the price is high, and generally only serves soul masters.

    The village chief nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but the price of the soul master engineering team is not low. Young Master Ye built three houses in the village, which should cost about 20 gold coins. If you want to hire a soul master engineer The people in the team built three houses in the mountains, and I'm afraid it will cost 100 gold coins."

    It can be said that the soul master project is expensive. However, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen's soul pets brought some prey from the mountain from time to time. The village chief guessed that Chu Ye should have made a lot of money, so he made this suggestion.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "I understand, gold coins are not a problem, please." The

    village chief looked at Chu Ye's wealthy appearance and felt a little envious.

    When Chu Ye first came to Longya Village, the village chief was actually not optimistic. An eldest young master who was expelled by his family might never have been on the ground at all. Going back, it turns out that the other party is now in such an early stage.

    The village chief quickly got in touch with the soul master engineering team. Chu Ye signed a contract with the engineering team and agreed to build eight large hives in the mountains, with a total of 300 gold coins. Chu Ye paid 100 gold coins first. 's deposit.

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