Chapter 106 Buying the Cave House

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    As soon as the two of them entered the city, they were attracted by the various shops in the city.

    Liangjie City is located at the junction of Yunzhou and Qingzhou. Qingzhou also has many people who come to Liangjiecheng to open shops. The shops opened by Qingzhou people are very exotic and quite new to the two.

    "Very prosperous city!" Lin Chuwen walked into the city road.

    The two of them took You Tianpeng, and all they saw along the way were the vast and deep jungle scenery, and they were a little surprised when they suddenly saw the city in the wild.

    "The methods of the Soul King are really good!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes! But that's the Soul King!"     Chu

    Ye nodded and said, "That's true."

Not to mention soul masters and soul kings.

    He is still in the initial stage of the Soul Master, and the advancement in the future will become more and more difficult, and he is still far away from the Soul King.

    The Two Realms City is very prosperous, and there are many soul pet masters in different costumes wandering around the city.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen strolled around Liangjiecheng and found that the prices of Liangjiecheng and Sanyang City were very different.

    Liangjiecheng was home to many soul masters who hunted and killed beasts for a living. It was much cheaper to sell the carcasses of beasts here than in Sanyang City. The proportion of stalls selling animal skins and bones was very high.

    The city of the two realms is not stable, there are few spiritual fields planted with Linggu, and the spiritual food is much more expensive than the outside world.

    The establishment of the Two Realms City is not too long, the pharmacist is scarce here, and the price of the medicine is not low.

    The little white tiger was lying on Chu Ye's shoulder, and his eyes glanced around from time to time.

    Several female soul pet masters looked at the "white civet cat" lying on Chu Ye's shoulder, each with a look of disdain.

    There are many noble sons in Sanyang City who rely on the family's blessings. They have nothing to do on weekdays, and they bring their pet animals to the market.

    The two world cities are different. The folk here are sturdy, and the people in the city worship powerful soul pet masters who can hunt fierce beasts. Here, the ferocious and large beast soul pets are more popular, and there are not many soul pet masters who carry pets.

    Chu Ye carrying a little white cat like this is a bit out of tune with this place.

    "Where did the little white face come from! He actually brought a cat with him."

    "It's probably the eldest young master from some family. When the beast swarm came, he was frightened."

    "Be careful, that person probably has a backstage. "

    So what if there is a backstage, the vicious beast will not stop eating just because someone has a backstage." The


    voices around came into Chu Ye's ears, and Chu Ye couldn't help blushing.

    Along the way, Chu Ye received a lot of strange sights.

    "Can you enter the soul room!" Chu Ye said unbearably.

    Xiao Baihu grabbed Chu Ye's clothes dissatisfied, and scratched a few cracks in Chu Ye's clothes, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Why."

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