Chapter 93 Show off your wealth.

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    "Fourth grandpa can say what he has to say, Chu Ye is not an outsider?" Lin Chuwen said.

    Hearing Lin Chuwen's words, Lin Dong's face changed, and he secretly said: Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen are really close.

    "Chuwen, the family did a bit too much before, but now the family still wants you to go back. The master has always wanted to compensate you for what happened before." Lin Dong said.

    Chu Ye secretly said: Compensation does not come out with actual things, just talking about it is useless.

    "Compensation? I don't know how much the Lin family is willing to pay to compensate Chuwen." Chu Ye said with interest.

    Lin Dong was a little embarrassed by Chu Ye's philistine words, "The compensation from the Lin family is not something that can be measured by money."

    Chu Ye said lazily, "It turns out that there is no money!"

    Lin Dong was embarrassed, not expecting Chu Ye Will say such words, so directly.

    Lin Sixue looked at Chu Ye and secretly scolded Chu Ye for not being graceful. Chu Ye was already so rich, and she was still thinking about their Lin family.

    "The Lin family really isn't as rich as Young Master Chu."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "There aren't many people as young and rich as me in this world, Chuwen, don't you think so!"

    Lin Chuwen Helplessly smiled, and said, "Yes! Yes!"

    Lin Dong looked at Chu Ye, only to feel that there was no way to chat today.

    Xuebao listened to the conversation of several people, and was a little bored to play with his tail.

    Xuebao suddenly stood up and jumped around Chu Ye, rubbing against Chu Ye affectionately.

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment, picked up Xuebao, smiled, and said, "Ah! I forgot about it accidentally. It's dinner time, and our Xuebao is hungry."

    Xuebao stretched his neck and tweeted. called.

    Chu Ye took out the herbal chicken from the space ring, handed it to Xue Bao, and said, "Hey, let's eat it."

    Xuebao held the "herbal chicken" and ate it up.

    Lin Dong looked at the chicken that Xuebao was eating, his eyes widened suddenly, "This... this is herbal chicken!"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes, herbal chicken, Xuebao likes to eat it, so I will pack it up. A few."

    Xue Bao grabbed the herbal chicken and tore it excitedly.

    Looking at this scene, Lin Dong felt a little complicated. Lin Mengrong said that Lin Chuwen is living a bit extravagant now.

    Lin Dong didn't quite understand what kind of luxury it was. Seeing the little fox swallowing a chicken leg in one bite, Lin Dong finally understood.

    Previously, Lin Chuwen rented the training room, checked out early, and did not need a deposit, which made Lin Dong feel very wasteful. At this moment, Lin Dong suddenly felt that Lin Chuwen was thrifty before, but now it is really extravagant.

    Chu Ye packed a few herbal chickens. It didn't cost tens of thousands of gold coins. With so much money, what's wrong with buying chickens to feed the fox.

    Lin Sixue looked at the little fox and felt a little resentful.

    She also knew about the herbal chicken, a few thousand gold coins, such an expensive thing, Chu Ye used it to feed the fox, how could this stupid fox be! Is it worth eating something so expensive? Chu Ye didn't feed in the morning, or in the evening. Feeding at this time was clearly enough to show them.

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