Chapter 133 have eye but no bead.

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    Chu Ye took a few people to play for a day, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

    When the three of them left, Chu Ye gave each of them a herbal chicken, Zhao Jin's Dragon Tiger Chicken, Wang Ning's Yangyan Chicken, and Chu Yanyu's Bloodline Chicken. Besides, Chu Ye also gave three chickens. Each person has one dragon fish and one basket of eggs.

    Chu Ye's gift was exactly what they wanted. Several people took the gift and left with satisfaction.

    After seeing Zhao Jin and others away, Chu Ye sat at the table thoughtfully.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and said, "What are you thinking, three chickens are given away, do you feel bad for the three fish? That's not worth it."

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "I don't feel bad for those things, I I was just thinking about the rainbow potion, that guy Zhao Jin said, the rainbow potion can help the pharmacist to have an epiphany, and I was wondering if I could think of a way to get the formula." Seeing how proud Zhao Jin was when he mentioned the rainbow potion, this potion Shouldn't be easy.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "No need, the rainbow potion seems to be the secret recipe of the Qingyun Sect. I'm afraid that if I ask about it, the people of the Qingyun Sect will stare at it, and I can't use this thing. ."

    Chu Ye asked with some doubts: "Isn't it useful?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yeah! Xiaocai can create illusions, and I can repeat the potion drill in the illusion, which is comparable to rainbow potions. It's much easier to use."

    Chu Ye held his chin and said, "That's it!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes!"

    Lin Chuwen lowered his eyes, the rainbow potion still had some effect on him, but , Qingyunzong is very powerful and should not be offended. They made a fortune too fast, and some people have suspected that they got great benefits when the Ziluozong was destroyed. At this time, it is not appropriate to provoke the Qingyunzong. Rainbow medicine is also for him. It's not indispensable, Lin Chuwen doesn't want to make extra troubles.

    Chu Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Xiao Cai is so powerful, she should have eaten seven rainbow fruits."

    Lin Chuwen squinted her eyes and said, "Actually, Xiao Cai ate seven fruits, and she didn't think so. It's a waste."

    Chu Ye looked at Lin Chuwen suspiciously, and said, "How do you say it?"

    "Take one more rainbow fruit, and the effect will be halved each time. When you reach the fourth fruit, the effect is already very weak. When I took the seventh pill, the effect suddenly became stronger." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye said a little surprised: "There is such a thing."

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said: "Maybe the seven fruits are a whole, eat them all, they have special effects."

    "I haven't heard of it! "Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Maybe the rainbow fruit is too cherished, and no one has tried it now."

    Chu Ye: "..." It seems to be the same. Qingyunzong has three rainbow trees, and he can't try like Xiaocai.


    The hand of taking people is short, Chu Ye sends chickens out! fish! Also not free.

    Knowing that Chu Ye needed Yongquan Stone, Zhao Jin agreed to give him the Yongquan Stone from the transaction brought by Qingyunzong this time.

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