Chapter 146 Chu Ye's Cave Mansion

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    Chu Ye was resting in the cave, and the bell rang.

    Lin Chuwen released his soul power, checked it, and gave Chu Ye a strange look on his face.

    "The people from the trading center and the Chu family are here!" Lin Chuwen said.

    It has been a while since the Chu family came to Liangjie City, and Chu Ye has not been in contact with him. Now, this situation is unavoidable.

    "Chu Sichen is still here!"

    Chu Ye secretly said: Chu Sichen is the person who loves face the most. The last time he came to eat a closed door, I was afraid that he had been waiting for him to come, but he never came, and the other party couldn't wait any longer. .

    "Want to see you?" Lin Chuwen asked.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "See you." These two groups of people were gathered together, and it was not easy for him to hide. Besides, it was not a problem to hide all the time.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It's fine."

    Although Chu Ye had some quarrels with the Chu family, after all, he didn't tear his face, nor was it too ugly.


    Chu Ye took out the formation token of the cave, opened the door of the cave, and let Xue Bao welcome the guests in.

    "The door is open."

    As soon as the door opened, everyone saw the fluffy little fox. Xuebao licked his paws and glanced lazily at everyone.

    "Brother Chen, what rank is this fox!" Chu Xiner couldn't help asking.

    Chu Xiner secretly said: This little fox should be Lin Chuwen's main pet. Lin Chuwen's secondary pet, Colorful Phantom Butterfly, has been trained to the warrior level, so the level of the main pet will not be low.

    Chu Sichen frowned and said, "I don't know either."

    One of the team members said casually, "Shao Lin's soul pet has the third rank of a general."

    Chu Xiner's expression changed, Lin Chuwen said. The soul pets of Chu Sichen are actually the third-tier warrior generals, and Chu Sichen's cloud-walking leopard is only the second-tier warrior general.

    "What about Chu Sichen's silver-winged queen bee?" Chu Xiner asked to the person who was speaking.

    The team members shook their heads and said, "I'm not very clear, it should be a third-tier warrior."

    Several Chu family members began to discuss.

    The difference between the warrior spirit beasts is not small. Hearing that both the little fox and the silver-winged bee are third-rank warriors, the Chu family members couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

    "This is Chu Ye's current cave!" Chu Xingchang looked around.

    Several young people in the Chu family were curious about Chu Ye's strength, and Chu Xingchang was even more curious about Chu Ye's financial resources.

    "What a rich spiritual energy!" Chu Xi couldn't help sighing.

    Several Chu family members have long heard some people in Liangjiecheng say some of Chu Ye's great achievements. Many people doubted it. This will enter Chu Ye's cave, and a few people believed a lot in the rumors of Liangjiecheng.

    "Spiritual fields!"

    "A lot of spiritual fields!"

    Lingtians are not a small amount of wealth for the big family. The Chu family also has dozens of acres of spiritual fields, which are carefully taken care of.

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