Chapter 57 After the plague.

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    Village head home.

    "Father! The insect repellent powder sold by Shao Lin is very effective. The locust swarms hate insect repellent powder. The loss of the barn sprinkled with the powder is quite different from that of the barn without it." The village chief's son was slightly respectful road.

    The village chief nodded, and the old god said: "Lin Shao is a pharmacist, and the things he makes are naturally extraordinary." The

    village chief still trusts Lin Chuwen very much. .

    In order to lead by example, the village chief bought a lot of medicinal powder and carefully sprinkled it near his barn and fields. Originally, the village chief did not have much expectations for this medicinal powder, but he did not expect the medicinal powder to have unexpectedly good effects.

    The village chief glanced at his son and said: "You thought I was buying too much and wasting money before, what about now?" The

    village chief's son scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "I am not as knowledgeable as you are. ?" The

    village chief's son changed his words and said, "Dad! Blacksmith Ding is miserable this time." The

    village chief snorted lightly, and said, "That old stubborn."

    Blacksmith Ding's family is also a wealthy family in the village and owns a lot of fertile land. When Ding was young, he had competed with the village chief for the position of the village chief, but unfortunately he failed. Because of these old grievances, Ding had been disliked by the village chief all these years, and he always opposed what the village chief said. .

    This time, when the village chief preached the danger of locust plague in the village, Ding Blacksmith said that the village chief made a fuss and made a fuss.

    Lin Chuwen sold medicine powder, and the blacksmith Ding also sneered, feeling that Lin Chuwen was collecting money in disguise, and the village chief took the benefits and worked hard to promote it.

    The Ding family's influence in the village is not small. When Ding Blacksmith said so, many people in the village really followed suit.

    The village chief's son shook his head and said, "The loss of their family is not small this time!"

    Blacksmith Ding didn't believe that the plague of locusts would come, and the barn was not completely closed.

    When the village chief's son passed by Ding Blacksmith's house before, he saw him sitting in the field in a daze. Although he felt that the other party deserved it, he was also a little sympathetic.

    "That idiot, it's okay to oppose me on weekdays. The locust plague doesn't really matter. He doesn't take it seriously. He even urges the villagers to take it seriously and harm others and himself." The village chief shook his head. , said angrily.

    "Speaking of which, Dad, you have the vision." The village chief smiled     bitterly and said

    , "How can I have the vision! It's Chu Shao's ability."

He wasn't having a good time either.

    After the locust plague, the land was full of locust corpses, and there were still many locust eggs hidden in the land. The chickens in the village could not eat so many locusts, so they could only concentrate the locusts and burn them.

    "Find a few people and buy the food from Chu Ye." The village chief said.

    The village chief's son hesitated and said, "What price!" The

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