Chapter 39 Royal Jelly

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    Time flies, and more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

    In the past two months, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen traveled from time to time to hunt bees and sell medicines.

    Xiaoyin's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and he will absorb soul crystals worth 150 gold coins in a month. Lin Chuwen feels sorry for Xiaoyin, and from time to time he will give Xiaoyin some medicines that are beneficial to growth. Under such favorable conditions, Xiaoyin quickly entered the sixth order from the fifth order.

    Not long after Xiaoyin advanced, Xuebao also advanced to the sixth rank.

    After the two advanced, the spring of the recovery of all things has come.

    As soon as spring arrived, the spring flowers in the mountains were in full bloom, and Xiaoyin's bee colony also began to come out, but Chu Ye didn't need to bother to find the flower source.

    Chu Ye stayed in the hive in the mountain, watching the coming and going of the bee colony, and hooked the corner of his mouth.

    Before, he spent a lot on the bee colony, and now it is finally time to harvest.

    During this period, the number of bee colonies continued to expand, and under the condition that there was no shortage of flowers, the production of honey would also increase, and selling it was also a considerable amount of income.

    "Buzz" a beep sounded with a bit of joy.

    Chu Ye saw a group of silver-winged bees flying in dragging a huge hive.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiaoyin, frowned, and said, "Are you looking for trouble again?"

    Xiaoyin nodded, "Yeah", indicating that the old guys in the swarm were unreasonable, and I don't recognize him as the queen bee. Obviously he is so strong. Compared with him, the little queen bee in the mountain is a weak chicken. Those old guys really have no vision.

    Chu Ye smiled bitterly. There seemed to be ninth-order silver-winged bee elders in the bee colony base camp. If these bee tribes did not approve of Xiaoyin, the days when Xiaoyin took over the colony would be delayed.

    "Where did the hive come from!"

    "Snatched it." Xiao Yin said proudly.

    Lin Chuwen looked at the hive, and said with some joy: "It seems to be silver snow royal jelly, a good thing!" This thing should be the ration of the previous queen bee.

    Chu Ye looked at Lin Chuwen and said, "In your opinion, how does it compare to Tianling honey?"

    The best honey that Chu Ye bought for Xiaoyin was Tianling honey. very.

    Lin Chuwen thought for a while and said, "The quality is about the same, but it should be more in line with Xiaoyin's body. If you take it for a long time, Xiaoyin will probably enter the seventh rank earlier." The fourth-order is a hurdle, and the fourth-order to the seventh-order is another hurdle. If Xiaoyin takes Yinxuemi all the time, the breakthrough should be smoother.

    Chu Ye hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "It seems that the old queen bee has left a lot of good things for the little queen bee."

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It should be."

    Xiaoyin flew into the hive. , took a sip of silver-winged honey, showing an intoxicated look on his face.

    Xuebao looked envious from the side, and Xiaoyin generously gave Xuebao a share.

    There are about two pounds of silver snow royal jelly in the hive that Xiaoyin grabbed back, so much royal jelly should be enough for Xiaoyin to eat the seventh order.

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