|Shot 5| • Hotel • |Jyatt|

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Wyatt and I were in the middle of a livestream when someone asked a question that made me blush.

"Celebrity crushes?" I read aloud.

"Uhh, Jaeden" Wyatt answered suddenly, pointing to me.

My mouth agape, I glanced at his phone.

"That's your-!" I exclaimed, shocked but embarrassed.

I panicked so I decided to try to play it cool and I joked that my celebrity crush was "Finn Wolfhard"

I looked over at Wyatt, who had a hurt expression on his face. I shot him a look of guilt and we continued with the questions.

Soon, Finn joined us and took my spot next to Wyatt. It was uncomfortable, which made me irritable.

"Ugh, why do you have to sit in the middle?" I groaned, annoyed at Finn.

Then Finn accidentally touched my dick and that was enough.

"Aggh, stop touching my penis!" I growled at him, not caring that the live was still going.

Wyatt shot me a death glare as I got up and left, Finn's mouth agape in embarrassment and amusement.

"Thanks, Jaeden" Wyatt said disgruntled.

- -

Eventually Wyatt closed the livestream and we all started to wind down. Wyatt and I were getting changed for bed while Finn and Jack were- Actually, I don't even know what those two were doing and I didn't really care.

I glanced over at Wyatt shirtless and melted. I felt my face heat up as he turned to look at me, but I looked away. He didn't say anything, but he gave me a look, one that said he was angry at me.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Wyatt"

"For what?" he questioned without making eye contact.

"I really love you, Wyatt. I just clammed up. I wasn't ready to admit that we're together, people would lose their shit"

He took a deep breath and nodded. I walked over to him shirtless, our bare chests touching. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled him close and whispered in his golden curls.

"I'm sorry, Wy. I love you"

He kissed my cheek and looked up.

"I love you too" he smiled.

I gave him a goofy grin and connected our lips, the sparks flying immediately. I was so in love with him. I adored Wyatt. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss. Our lips moving passionately in sync, I brushed my fingers along his smooth skin, obsessed with how his warm skin felt in my touch, obsessed with his smile against my lips, obsessed with his touch and how he felt, God, everything about him just utterly enticed me.

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