|Shot 26| • Tension I • |Jyatt|

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Jaeden and Wyatt look like they can't wait until the camera is off so they can go kiss.

Also, happy new year! The cast and you guys made my year so much better, and I know that's become a bit of a cliché now, but it's true.

The past couple years have been hell but people like you guys and the IT cast warmed my heart in ways I never thought possible, you've helped me to be happy and confident. I don't like many people, but the friends I've made on here is incredible.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for the laughs, the kind words, the talks, the tears, and for being my friend. Enjoy this New Year's Chapter and Happy New Year! ~Jae👑

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"Alright, everyone, say cheese!" my mom shouted excitedly.

She organized a New Years party for me, Wyatt, Sophia, Jackson, and Jeremy. I was really grateful, more than anything I wanted to see my friends at Christmas, but all I could think about the whole time was Wyatt.

We've had this semi-awkward sexual tension since we kissed under the mistletoe at Sophia's Christmas party a week ago. Now I catch him looking at me all the time.

Now my mom had us all get together for a photo. Wyatt was sitting close to me as Jackson lay strewn upon our laps, with Sophia and Jeremy standing behind us. There were smiles on our faces, but I had to fight the urge to touch Wyatt, and I could sense he was fighting the same urge, the tension in the air thick.

"Are we good now, Mom?" I groaned.

"Awe, c'mon, one more photo!" she pleaded.

We all looked at each other and rolled our eyes and smiled.

"Alright" I gave in.

As she prepared to take a picture, I felt Wyatt's hand inch its way to my thigh. It was unnoticeable to others since Jackson was laying on our laps and our hands were underneath him, but I still tensed up.

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