|Shot 13| • Only Him II • |Jyatt|

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Wyatt and I were doing a live stream together when Jaeden joined in the comments. Those two can't be separated even when they are separated.

Which isn't fair for me, especially since this is my live stream and Wy Wy time.

Jaeden mentioned me and Wyatt's ship names and I could feel tingling sensations in my stomach. I laughed it off, chuckling at Jaeden's comments and grinning when he said he ships Wyatt and I because really...

I love Wyatt.

I was going to confess that to him but he left my house in a hurry. Did I say something wrong? I always make him laugh, and he seems happy with me yet at the same time he always seems like he has something on his mind.

Anyway, I finished my live and he gathered his stuff and headed towards the door.

"It was fun hanging out with you, Nic. See ya later" he said putting his shoes on.

I leaned against the wall next to him and folded my arms.

"Sure you don't wanna stay with me for the night?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm just gonna go home. I'll text you later"

He stood up and opened the door.

"See you later, nerd" he smirked.

I chuckled and walked to the door, watching as he walked out.

"Bye, Wyatt" I waved.

"Bye, Nic"

"Bye Wya- Wy...bye Wy Wy!"

He laughed and shook his head.

I wanted to confess my feelings, but I choked. Then he was gone.


That night, I didn't get a text from Wyatt. Instead, the next night the two of them did a livestream together. They were laughing and smiling and playing video games together.

That hurt. He wasn't that happy or enthusiastic when he was with me. I sighed and kept watching the live.

I watched the comments pop up one by one, and one caught my eye.

"Jaeden is so cute!"

I was about to reply with "Wyatt is cuter" when Jaeden did it for me.

"But like, Wyatt is also cute or whatever" he said jokingly then blushed and hid behind the camera.

Wyatt's face lit up.

"Totally" he replied with a grin lighting his handsome face.

"Totes ma goats" Jaeden said smiling.

They laughed and continued the live, giggling like little kids. I just about lost it. I envied the way Jaeden could light up Wyatt's face and make him happy and blush.

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