|Shot 78| • Haunted House • |Stenbrough|

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The Losers are all 16-17 ~Jae👑


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"Hey Big Bill, we're bored. Got any great ideas?" Richie groaned as he took a drag on his cigarette and stared at the ceiling of my living room.

"Yeah, Bill. You always have the best ideas" Eddie agreed.

Eddie was laying on Richie and playing with his curls as he smiled at him, cig in one hand, his other caressing his cheek.

"W-Well, there is w-one idea I had..." I trailed off, trying to entice the Losers.

Beverly, Mike, Ben, and Stan gathered around me as Richie and Eddie sat up.

"Th-There's this house off of R-Ridgeway Road. It's really b-big. Puh-People say it's h-haunted, and suh-suh-centuries old"

"Sounds fun!" Beverly sprang up. "Mike? Wanna go start the truck?"

"Sure" he smiled. "Anyone else wanna come?"

"I will" Ben stood up.

Richie and Eddie looked at each other. Richie smirked and Eddie smirked back.

"Yeah, we'll come too" Richie said, turning to me.

Then he shifted his head to Stan.

"How 'bout you, Stan The Man?" he nodded to him.

All eyes went to Stan as he lifted his head and gazed around the room.

"Fine" he sighed. "I'll come too"

"Th-That's the spirit, babe" I kissed his cheek.

Stan caved in and let me pull him close, rolling his eyes as I smiled.

Mike grabbed his keys and pulled open the front door. Before he stepped out, he popped his head back in and called to us.

"Guys! I'd grab coats, it's supposed to be cold. And blankets for whoever's riding in back"

I nodded and stood up, pulling Stan with me as I walked to the closet and pulled out neatly folded blankets.

"Stan and I w-will take the b-back" I stated as I handed a blanket to Stan and a blanket to Richie then Eddie.

"Eds and I will too, Beverly and Ben can sit up front with Mike"
Richie said smirking.

He looked down at Eddie.

Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled as he leaned in for a kiss.

"C'mon, gays, get in the truck" Mike teased.

Richie chuckled, and Beverly and Ben followed Mike to the truck and hopped in the front. Stan and I slipped on our jackets and climbed in the back, Richie and Eddie following after.

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