|Shot 25| • Drunken Confessions • |Stenbrough|

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Everything happens at Bill's house...I don't know why. This is also based on a little AU I saw/loved. The Losers are 16-17

And is it just me, or does it ALWAYS look like Jaeden and Wyatt are holding hands? ~Jae👑

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"Are you sure is is a good idea?" I queried Richie.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's just us Losers at Bill's place, why?"

"I don't know..." I shrugged. "I just have a bad feeling..."

"You mean an I'm-in-love-with-Bill feeling?" Richie teased.

I shot him a glare.

"N-No! And don't act like we don't know who you're in love with, Richie" I sneered.

His face flushed red and he immediately closed his lips. He didn't speak another word until we reached Bill's porch.

"I'm just saying, Stan The Man has an opportunity to make his move" he said matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes as I made a fist and knocked on the door. I could hear feet shuffling on the other side so unconsciously I brushed the curls from my eyes and fumbled with my shirt collar.

The door opened to reveal music, laughter, and Bill standing with a red solo cup in his hand.

"Hey! G-Glad you could muh-make it, g-guys!" he exclaimed.

"H-Hey, Bill" I smiled. "Are you drinking?"

I shifted my eyes to his cup. He followed my gaze and chuckled.

"This? Oh n-no, it's juh-just water, there's d-drinks inside, c-come on in and h-help yourselves"

"Don't mind if I do, good to see you Big Bill" Richie patted Bill's shoulder and pushed past him, causing Bill to knock into me as he left us on the porch.

Bill looked up and smiled as he steadied himself then stood straight. I looked away shyly as my cheeks started to heat up. Bill rubbed the back of his neck timidly before apologizing.

"S-Sorry" he stuttered nervously.

"Oh, uh, no worries" I chuckled nervously. "Thanks for the invite"

"Yeah, no problem, it's uhm...it's really good to see you, Stan" he smiled.

"You too, Bill" I returned the smile.

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