|Shot 32| • Secrets • |Jyatt|

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Requested by stan_uris ~Jae👑


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"Stay away from me you fucking freak!"

I took a deep breath and unclenched my fists. No matter where I go, this happens. I turned away from the guy sprinting away from me and stared at my hands.

My eyes retracted to their normal state, from sunset orange to golden brown, and my fangs retracted back into my gums. It's not like I chose this, I was born this way. But people always find a way to judge and hurt what they don't understand.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and strode off down the street for home. Walking always clears my head.


I shoved off down the town streets and was only about a mile away from home when a truck full of guys stopped in front of me. Four guys hopped out and jumped me.

"Get that freak!" one shouted before one of his friends collided his fist with my cheek.

I could easily take on all of them, but that's not what I want. I don't want to hurt people, even if they deserve it. That's not who I am, I'm not a monster.

I fell to my knees and curled into a sort of fetal position as they kicked and punched me. The more they assaulted me, the angrier I became, until I almost couldn't keep it in any longer.

Then suddenly I heard a voice scream.


It was muffled because my ears were ringing and my eyes were blurry, but I could see a figure running towards us.

"Shit, it's Lieberher! My dad'll kill me if this gets out!" one of the guys said.

"Let's get outta here!"

The four of them frantically climbed back into their truck and drove off, tires screeching. I sat up and held my ribs. I shook my head and my eyes returned to normal.

"Hey, are you alright?" the figure kneeled next to me.

It was a boy my age, with short brown hair combed to the side and beautiful green eyes searching mine. His voice was soft, and gentle. I found myself unable to look away, stumbling on words as he waited patiently for an answer.

"I-I, uhm..."

"Here" he grinned, and extended his hand to me as he stood up, "let me help you up"

I blushed and took it, his hand warm and welcoming as he pulled me to my feet.

"There you go" he said and brushed me off.

"Th-Thanks" I blushed, and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"No problem" he smiled. "Are you okay?"

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