|Shot 100| • Heartbeat • |Stenbrough|

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100 shots! Thank you guys so much for getting me here and for over 82k views! I love you all!

Also, this shot is a collaboration with the mesmerizing and brilliant castlebowers 😘 ~Jae👑

Regular = me
Italics = castlebowers

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There he was. Bill Denbrough, looking gorgeous as ever.

I was on my way to school when I saw him, book in one hand, apple in the other. His gentle blue eyes were focused on the book as he tossed the apple repeatedly in the air and caught it.

He glanced up from his book and I panicked. I ran and quickly hid behind a bush. When I peered out, his eyes were still scanning his book.

I breathed a sigh of relief; he didn't see me. My heart was beating so fast I took deep breaths to try and get it under control but it was no use. Bill is mesmerising.

He's effortlessly gorgeous.

And here I was, hiding behind a bush, smiling like an idiot while staring at him.

I moved a little bit to watch him a little better, creepy I know. But I think that I might have moved a little bit too fast since I tripped over a rock, a loud noise resonating in the path.

You know the moment when your heart beats so fast that you feel like it's going to leave your chest? That's exactly what happened when Bill looked towards the bush.

I frantically hid behind the bush and tried to keep my heartbeat slow and steady. My heart calmed down a little, but just thinking about Bill makes me feel so...happy.

My heart told me to run after him but-

Wait, did my heart just leave my chest? I looked over the bush and saw my heart racing towards Bill.

I reached for my heart but it was drawn to Bill. My heart reached for him but I pulled back. Inevitably, the force of my heart was too strong and it slipped from my grasp, slingshot into the hands of Bill.

Bill had my heart in his hands. I desperately tried to retrieve it but instead my hand grasped Bill's. He turned around and glanced at me quizzically.

"C-Can I help you?" he asked politely.

I frantically peered around him to try and catch my heart.

"Um, just looking for something" I replied, smiling nervously.

Before he could say anything else, I ran circles around him trying to catch my heart. I grabbed it, but suddenly realized that our lips were inches apart as I had my arms around his neck, my hands clasping onto my heart.

I heard someone walking toward us and I panicked. I gripped my heart tightly and hid in a nearby trashcan. I hid until I heard the school bell ring.

I carefully peered out of the trashcan and watched Bill fondly as he made his way toward the door, book still in hand, handsome eyes still focused on it.

My heart decided to go after him again but my brain said don't. My heart practically dragged me toward Bill but I resisted, instead leading my heart another way.

But my heart persisted. My heart dragged me back to Bill and I braced for impact. But instead of colliding with Bill, I tripped and collided with the pavement.

But that didn't stop my heart.

It raced toward Bill and into the school.

"No!" I gasped to myself, and ran inside.

The sight in front of me just accentued my panting.
My heart was rubbing himself against Bill's cheek.

I ran towards him and tried to catch my heart, almost slapping Bill at the same time.

My heart took Bill's and I's hand, both of us tugging at it.
I looked up and my eyes met his.

That's when the whispers started.
I looked at my right to see the whole school whispering at the scene.

Some girls were snickering while some boys were pointing towards us.

I looked back at Bill, his eyes filled with worry.

I tugged more and more at my heart only for it to break in half.

I wiped tears off my cheek and ran back outside, a piece of my heart in my hand.

I hid behind the same bush as before and let all my tears fall.

I just made a fool of myself in front of the whole school but the worst, in front of Bill.

What would he think about me now? What was I thinking though?

That he was also hopelessly in love with me?
Nobody would love me.
I'm just a worthless and ugly idiot.

Bill deserves someone strong, funny, pretty.
He deserves the world.
And here I am, complaining, being weak and looking ugly as hell with my eyes full of-

My thoughts were cut off when Bill approached me.
I turned my head away, not wanting him to see me weak.

"Stan?" he said quietly.

He kneeled in front of me and reached for my hand. I was hesitant at first, but he gave me a reassuring and trusting look. I slowly held out my hands and he gently grasped them.

I held my hands out flat, exposing my broken half of my heart. He placed the half that he had next to mine and put the two halves together.

Like magic, they joined together. My heart was back in one piece. He sat right next to me and I blushed.

"I like you too, Stan" he smiled.

I couldn't believe it. I like Bill.

And Bill likes me too.

We spent the rest of the day sitting beside each other, leaned against the tree, falling in love as we talked.

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