|Shot 35| • Soulmates • |Jyatt|

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Requested by Dolly_Donut and @Bitchin-vibes

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All my life I've been a little different than others. Whereas most people can see all sorts of colors, I can't. There's a certain color I can't see, but I've always wanted to.


People always describe it as being the color of so many different things. Water, ice, the sky, eyes...but all I see is gray. I haven't yet met my soulmate. But I want to so bad.


"Wyatt? Wyatt, are you even listening?"

I snapped back to reality at Sophia's voice.

"Huh? What?"

"Ugh" she scoffed. "I said, do you want to go to this party with me?"

"Party? Where?" I asked curiously.

"It's at Finn's house. I said that. Were you listening?"

"No. Sorry, Soph" I sighed.

She gave me a sympathetic look before sitting down next to me.

"Are you okay?" she asked gently.

"Yeah. I just...I just wish I could meet my soulmate. I'm tired of seeing gray all the time. Everyone I know has met their soulmate and seen their color, I haven't"

"Aww, I'm sorry Wyatt" she cooed. "But hey, it takes time. Just be patient, you'll find him. If I wasn't patient, I never would've met Chosen"

"You're right, Soph" I smiled halfheartedly. "So, who else is going?"

"Besides you, me, and Chosen, there will be Jeremy, Jack, Finn obviously, and, I don't know if you know him, but Jaeden Lieberher. He's our age"

Jaeden. I rolled the name over and over on my tongue.


"Jaeden, huh?"


We arrived at Finn's party and were greeted by loud music, laughing, and the stench of beer.

"Hey, you made it!" Finn greeted jovially.

"Hey, Finn" we rolled our eyes at him but smiled all the same.

"Drunk already, Finnie?" Sophia said teasingly as she gestured at the red solo cup in Finn's hand.

"Hahaha noooooo"

We both gave him a look like oh really?

"Ye, maybe a lil bit"

"That's what I thought" she laughed.

"Alright, come on you goof" I patted his shoulder and we shoved past him.

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