|Shot 93| • Nightmares • |Stenbrough|

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I love Cigarettes After Sex. This my favourite song of theirs ~Jae👑

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Stan and I were cuddling and watching TV when I brushed my fingers on his neck as I pushed the golden curls behind his ear. I could feel his breath on me as I gently placed a kiss there.

"B-Bill!" he chuckled moaning. "I thought we were watching the game?"

"I know, but you're so cute when you're focused, Stan" I whined.

He blushed. Even though we're plenty grown up, Stan makes me feel like I did when I was 13, young and in love.

I leaned in close to his ear and nibbled it.

"Kiss me, Stanny" I whispered seductively.

"Is that a challenge?" he smirked.

"Maybe" I grinned, and leaned in.

I whined when his lips parted from mine at the sound of his cell phone going off.

"Go ahead, Stan. I'll wait" I said smiling.

He pecked my lips before getting up and answering his phone.

I watched adoringly as he shuffled off to the kitchen and listened to his soothing voice answer the call.

"Denbrough residence, Stan speaking" he answered, then whispered "this better be good"

He glanced at me with a smile tugging the corners of his lips. He's such an adorable goof. I laughed and shook my head.

"Yeah, Stan Uris but Stan Denbrough now. Who are you, fella?"

I smiled warmly at that. Stan took my name...he's all mine.

I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder, my breath tickling his neck. He started trembling when the deep voice on the other end responded with something I couldn't hear.

"H-Who did you s-say?" he asked with slight panic dripping from his voice.

He turned to face me with a sheer look of terror frozen in his caramel eyes. I looked at him worried and placed one hand on his waist and pulled him close, my other hand rubbing his arm as I waited patiently for an answer.

"Mike Hanlon?" he chuckled nervously. "I'll be damned!"

My worried expression was now replaced with disbelief, shock and fear.

Mike Hanlon? I thought, no, not Mike...it can't be...

Mike said something to make Stan's face expressionless and his voice devoid of all emotion but I could see fear in his eyes as he looked into mine.

"A-Are you sure? No, I understand...I see..." he said as he started to run a hand nervously through his golden curls.

"No, I'm not sure I can I-I-...Yes Mike, I remember...goodbye..."

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