|Shot 42| • Home II • |Jyatt|

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Eight months. Eight long months I've woken up to cold sheets and an empty bed. But today is the last day of shooting. I wouldn't have to see Wyatt through just a screen. I would be in his arms soon.


"That's a wrap everyone!" my director shouted enthusiastically, followed by a roar of applause and cheer. "It's been eight, long, beautiful months, but we've finally finished. I'm proud of every single one of you, this is a gift to me. Well done, everyone"

A thunder of applause and cheers rang out as we celebrated the end of filming. I immediately called Wyatt.

"Hey baby!" he answered jovially. "How's filming?"

"We're done!" I exclaimed. "We wrapped up the last few scenes!"

"Really?! Jae, that's so great!"

"I can't wait to see you!"

"Me neither, Jae Jae. I miss you like crazy"

"Aww Wy, I miss you too. But I'll be home soon. I should be home by this weekend"

"No you won't" a voice said.

"Who's that?" Wyatt asked.

"Oh, that's just my agent, don't worry. I'll call you later baby, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, Jaeden. I can't wait to see you"

"I love you too, Wyatt. I can't wait either"

"Bye, Jae"

"Bye Wy" I smiled, and hung up. The smile left my lips once I turned around.

"What do you mean 'no I wont'?" I queried hostilely.

"I just got a call from Cole Roberts of HollyWood Industries, and they want you for a film in Ottawa!"

"Ottawa?!" I exclaimed. "When?"

"Auditions are this weekend" he explained.

"This weekend?! No no, I just wrapped up a film, I want to go home. I want to see my boyfriend, Danny"

"I know, kiddo. But think about it! Jaeden Lieberher is Adam Snow in Snowfall"

He gestured with his hand as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, imagining my name in the spotlight. I thought about it. I miss Wyatt like crazy, but this is another great opportunity.

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