|Shot 10| • Growth & Love II • |Jyatt|

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"Uggggh" I groaned after another fan left the panel after signing a picture for them. "What time does this end, Wyatt?"

He lifted his head from its resting position on his hand and glanced at his watch.

"7:00 [PM]" he answered cheerfully.

"Is it 7 yet?"

He traced the second hand with his finger and stared at his watch.

"Annnd....5...4...3...2...1...DING! It's 7:00" he said playfully.

"Oh my God, FINE-ally" I celebrated.

Wyatt just laughed and covertly placed his hand on my thigh, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Ready to go back to the hotel, babe?" he whispered as he inched his hand upward.

I bit my lip and nodded, earning a bright little smirk from Wyatt as he slowly trailed his hand to my inner thigh.

"Agh, Wyatt!" I whisper-yelled. "Not here"

He found this amusing and started to laugh, thankfully removing his hand from my thigh before it got too close to my crotch.

"Where, then?" he asked seductively as he raised an eyebrow and curled his lips into a grin.

I shook my head and chuckled while leaning in close to his ear.

"We'll continue this at the hotel, baby" I whispered, and I could feel him tremble as he smiled.

"I can't wait" he whispered back.


As soon as all the fans left, the panel closed down and Wyatt and I were driven back to the hotel, along with Jeremy and Sophia, who were part of the panel too.

Wyatt and I sat next to each other with Jeremy and Sophia on either side of us. Even in the confined space of the limo and our two friends sitting close, Wyatt and I couldn't keep our hands off of each other, which is bad news for us because those two can detect the slightest hint of sexual tension no matter how conspicuous or covert you are.

But we couldn't help ourselves. I'm too in love with Wyatt and too infatuated with everything about him and too enticed by how he feels against my fingertips to not want to touch him.


I knew we could get caught, but I rubbed Jaeden's thigh anyway. One look at Jaeden and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I'm too in love with Jae and too infatuated with everything about him and too enticed by how he feels against my fingertips to not want to touch him.

Jeremy and Sophia were looking out the window, so I kept rubbing Jaeden's thigh, slowly and quietly and he returned the favor. I could hear him let out a small breathy moan and I loved it.

"Ah God, the things you do to me, Wy" he whispered softly in my ear.

He bit his lip and I smirked.

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