|Shot 115| • Paper Route • |Stenbrough|

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Any of y'all watch South Park? How would y'all feel about a Crenny book? 😏

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I love waking up every morning to the smell of coffee and the chirping of birds. Most people aren't morning people, but I am. I could do without the sleepiness, but it's worth it when I step outside for the paper and see the Cardinals, Robins, Blue Jays...

They crowd around the bird feeder and sometimes, when I'm lucky, they come right up to me and eat the seeds from my hands. And just as I refill the bird feeder, I see Bill Denbrough race by.

He swiftly and accurately tosses today's newspaper onto my driveway, smiles, and carries on, hitting the rest of the houses up the street.

His green flannel flaps in the wind as his auburn hair brushes past his eyes. I catch myself blushing and quickly grab the paper and run inside.

I unwrap it and set in on the table. A small blue note however catches my eye and I pick it up.

Stanley Uris,

You don't know me
But I want to know you
Your smile is brighter
Than the Jay so blue


I smiled at the little poem. PB? Who could that be? Either way, it felt nice to be complimented...and be admired. I went upstairs to my room and stuck the note to my bulletin board, along with the picture of a Blue Jay.

Seeing it's colors reminded me of Bill's eyes, soft and bright. I've never officially met him, but I know he lives nearby. I've always loved watching him race by, but I couldn't stop thinking about that little note.

Who's been watching me? I thought, laughing to myself.

I closed my door and got ready for a walk in the park. It's such a beautiful day, I didn't want to spend it couped up inside.


I got to the park and plopped down on a bench. Not only were there even more birds here, but it's the perfect place to work on my English paper. I felt stuck, so I called Eddie to help.

"Hey, Stan" he smiled as he approached me and sat beside me. "Whatcha need help with?"

"Just our English assignment" I shrugged.

"Gotcha" he said, and pulled his English journal out of his backpack. "What're you stuck on?"

"Mm, just a concept I guess. I do okay when we're given a prompt, but as far as free writing? Not so sure"

"Why not just write about birds?"

I shot him a look.


"I love my birds, but, I want to do a really good piece and I know I'd only bore everyone"

"You know who's really good at free writing?" Eddie said.

I cocked an eyebrow.

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