|Shot 12| • Only Him I • |Jyatt|

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"Alright, Wy, let's get this live started" Nic ushered as he focused on his phone screen.

"Yay" I said sarcastically.

Nic just chuckled and watched as his views steadily climbed.

"Alright, there we go, we got some people" he said calmly, his Australian accent dripping in his older voice.

He ran a hand through his hair and stared at his phone while I scrolled through Instagram on my own phone.

"Okay, Wy Wy, question time"

I rolled my eyes and sat next to him as he adjusted his screen so that we would both be in his live.

He started answering questions, which made me bored so I walked away. I came back when Nic said something about Jaeden.

"Aye, Jaeden's here" he noted.

My heartbeat sped up as I looked at the screen, and I grinned from ear to ear.

JaedenWesley: Oi, mates

I chuckled softly at that. Jaeden is such a goof but that's why I lo- like him...


I sat back down next to Nic to answer more questions and waited contently for Jaeden's name to pop back up.

Why does he make me feel so warm and flustered?

Nic said something to make me laugh and Jaeden's name popped up again.

JaedenWesley✔: I ship Nic and Wyatt

This made Nic chuckle and look at me with a smirk, but I wasn't amused. I don't like Nic, not like that.

JaedenWesley✔: #Wyolas #Nyatt

"Hah" Nic chuckled. "Do you prefer Nyatt or Wyolas, Wyatt?" he asked, craning his neck to look at me from behind the couch.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Neither" I said turning away.

I could hear Nic's laugh echo as I walked away. I was too flustered to stay in that room.

Why was I getting so flustered? Why were my cheeks burning so much? I wasn't like this when people commented #Jyatt.

Fuck it, I am in love with Jaeden, and I think he knows it. Maybe that's why he teased us with the #Wyolas and #Nyatt.

Maybe Jaeden's trying to tell me he doesn't feel the same way...

I sighed and returned to the couch where Nic was and sat on my phone, mostly ignoring the live until I went home.


I was sitting on my bed and staring at the ceiling when my phone chimed on my chest. I turned it on and the white light illuminated my face. A notification from Jaeden appeared on the screen.

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