|Shot 19| • Family • |Jyatt|

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Jaeden with his baby brother is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Just pretend he is Jyatt's son for this shot ~Jae👑

Jaeden and Wyatt are like 24


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Another long day at work and another long drive home. I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed from the pain of sitting all day and the stress. But it was all worth it in the end, since I get to come home to my two favourite boys in the whole world.

I pulled into the driveway, parked the car, and nearly ran in the door. All the lights were off, save for a light peeking from the living room. I took off my coat and set down my bag and keys and went to investigate.

What I saw melted my heart.

Jaeden was asleep on the couch with our two year old son cradled in his arms, his little golden head rested on Jaeden's chest and his emerald eyes that mirrored Jaeden's were closed peacefully. I didn't want to disturb them, but I couldn't resist. I kissed Jaeden's lips softly, and moments later his eyes fluttered open.

He grinned groggily and kissed back.

"Hey, baby" I said smirking.

"Where the hell have you been, Wy? I missed you like crazy!" he said ecstatically.

"I'm sorry, Jae. Work kept me extra hours today. Apparently I work with a bunch of idiots, so only I could get this extra work done" I scoffed.

Jaeden shook his head and laughed, then he gently sat up, daintily laying our young son down so as not to wake him. He continued to sleep undisturbed.

"You two are so adorable" I chuckled. "Mmm, I missed you so much, Jaeden"

I pulled him into me.

"I missed you more" he pouted, then leaned in and whispered in my ear seductively. "We have about an hour...wanna have fun for a little bit first?"

I could feel a shiver course down my spine at that suggestion. All day I'd been tense, and only Jaeden could make me feel so relaxed and loved.

"Mm, I like the way you think, Jae baby" I smirked.


He grinned and smashed his lips onto mine. I immediately kissed back, hard, and he sucked on my bottom lip, lightly nibbling it.

"Mmm, I waited all day for this, Jaeden" I moaned in his mouth.

"Aah, me too, Wy"

He pulled me by my tie and led me to our bedroom, pushing me onto the bed and straddling my waist after. I slipped off the tie and he ripped open my shirt, slipping his own off afterwards.

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