|Shot 114| • Babysitting • |Stenbrough|

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Just found this Stenbrough photo and now I can't stop thinking about a child with Bill's face and Stan's eyes and hair ~Jae👑

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Age: mid - late 20s

"Better hurry, Bill, Eddie asked us to be there by 7:00 sharp" Stan alarmed Bill, checking his watch.

"Almost there, just have to park" Bill smiled reassuringly.

Stanley hated being late to any appointment, especially when it came to close friends. Being late to any appointment - work, doctor - was bad enough, but being late to seeing Richie and Eddie?


Bill parked their car on the side of the street and opened Stan's door. Stan smiled and took a deep breath as he stepped out.

"Ah, can't get over just how nice their neighborhood is"

"Guess Ed and Trashmouth lucked out, huh?" Bill smirked, grabbing Stan's hand.

Stan chuckled.

"Just don't call him that when we're there"

"I won't"

They made their way to Richie and Eddie's house quickly, hand in hand, admiring the fresh air and houses along the way.

"They did luck out, though, this place is beautiful. They're doing right by the little one, raising him I'm a neighborhood like this"

"Y'know I think that's the first time I've ever heard you compliment Richie" Bill teased.

Stan rolled his eyes as they stepped onto the Tozier porch.

"Well...we've grown up a bit" Stan shrugged. "He's taken on some responsibilities, he's not that annoying kid in my ear anymore"

Bill knocked.

"You've grown up too, Stanny" Bill smiled, making Stan blush and lean in for a kiss.

"You too, Bill..." Stan bit his lip.

"What is it, hon?"

"It's just...it got me thinking...what if, what if we-"

Before Stan could finish, they were greeted by barking and Richie shouting. The door swung open to reveal Richie, Eddie, their son, and a little furball.

"Hey guys! Sorry, Stan gets excited" Eddie said sheepishly, shooing the small dog away.

Bill and Stan exchanged looks.

"Stan the pomeranian, huh?" Stan raised an eyebrow.

"What? A dog's a dog" Eddie shrugged, making the other three laugh.

"Yeah, and with you two not around all the time, I can still have Stan yipping at me" Richie teased, smirking.

Stan rolled his eyes.

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