|Shot 90| • Your Shirt • |Stenbrough|

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Okay, now for those of you who read this book and my Reddie Nights book, this chapter corresponds to the reddie one. It's the same storyline, this one just shows what happens to Bill

(Dear autocorrect, you suck. Stop trying to correct my name to has) ~Jae👑

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I lay in my bed with Richie in my arms as he stared vacantly at the blank white ceiling of my bedroom. My arm lay beneath his head as a pillow as he curled up next me.

He was wide awake while I was trying to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about that night...the night that everything changed.

"Richie?" I said softly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah" he sighed, and I smiled.

I shifted my body so that I could sit up, bringing him with me. I kissed his shoulder as I held him from behind and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

I saw right through his lie.

Something was bothering me too, but I didn't want to admit what was wrong. I want him to get a good night's sleep, not worrying about me or feeling sad. How could I tell him that I was still dying inside?

"Nothing" he whispered.

"Richie," I said gently, "I know you. I know when you're upset. I know when you can't sleep and when something is bothering you. What's wrong, babe?"

"I..." he could barely get one word out without choking back tears.

They streamed down his face no matter how hard he tried to wipe them away.

"Shh, it's okay Richie I'm right here" I cooed and rubbed his back. "Take a moment, let it all out. I'm here to listen when you're ready. I'm right here, it's okay"

Little did he know, that was part of the problem. I love Richie, but I'm still in love with Stan. I wished he was here. I wish I was in Stan's arms, laying next to him, holding him...

But he's gone.

"I miss Eddie" he sobbed.

I smiled mournfully and sympathetically as I wiped away his insistent tears.

"I know you do"

"It hurts, Bill. I fucking miss him so much. I miss my baby. I miss Stan...my best friend"

My jaw tightened at the mention of Stan, and he immediately gave me a look of guilt. He's not the only one who lost their soulmate.

"I-I'm sorry, Bill" he apologized sheepishly. "I didn't mean-"

"It's alright" I sighed, and I could feel tears form and start to fall. "I miss him too"

Inevitably he let out another sob, and I began sobbing too. It was unbearable, the whole thing.

"C'mere" I quivered, and he obliged.

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