|Shot 95| • The Best Of Me I• |Stenbrough|

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Inspired by the book and movie ~Jae👑

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"Look, Stanley, I understand you miss your friends, really. But we have stuff going on here"

I rolled my eyes as I packed my suitcase.

"You tell me you wouldn't pack up and leave the second the only people you've ever loved came back into your life and needed you to come home" I retorted.

She gave me a solemn look and turned away.

"I'm sorry" I sighed.

"Sure" she muttered, and walked away, drink in hand.

I sighed again and finished packing. I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed for the door. I reached for the door knob but hesitated.

I took a deep breath and walked over to my wife.

"I love you. I'll see you soon" I kissed her cheek.

"Love you too" she mumbled, alcohol dripping from her breath.

I sighed yet again (my recent favourite thing to do) and made my way to the door again. This time, quickly turning the door knob and climbing into my car.

I drove off, with nothing ahead of me but Derry and the Losers.

I had missed them terribly, but more than anything I had missed Bill. Just the thought of seeing him again...it was overwhelming.


The entire drive, all I could think about was the last time I was in Derry.

I was perfectly happy with Bill and the Losers. I was so in love with Bill...and still am.

But my father found out about us and forced me to break up with him. Not only that, but the pressure of Derry was excruciating. I ran to Bill crying...

"Goodnight, Stan. I love you" Bill smiled.

I kissed his lips.

"Goodnight, Bill. I love you too"

I stepped inside my house and there stood my father, arms crossed, eyes pericing, frown settled on his firmly pressed lips.

"H-Hey, Dad...wha-"

"Are you seeing that Denbrough boy?" he interjected.

I gulped.

"Answer me, Stanley!" he barked.

"Y-Yes" I answered shakily.

"Well not anymore"

"Dad!" I protested.

"Don't, Stanley! You break up with that Denbrough boy or I will for you!"

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