|Shot 87| • Regret • |Jyatt|

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Jaeden stormed out of the house and walked down the street steamed. Wyatt followed close behind and grasped his arm.

"I hate you!" Jaeden cried.

"You have no right to be pissed! Those assholes were all over you, and something worse could've happened if it weren't for me!" Wyatt argued.

Was Jaeden this clueless?

Wyatt and Jaeden had gone to a party together and although they entered the party fine, they left furious at each other.

Wyatt walked away for one second and went back to Jaeden only to find another boy grinding against him. Wyatt tauted his jaw and back and crushed the solo cup in his hand, ignoring the liquid that spilt over his hand as he confronted the dancing two.

"Hey! Get lost, prick!" Wyatt shoved the stranger.

"Whoa!" the stranger stumbled.

"Wyatt! What the fuck!" Jaeden protested.

"Jaeden, stay there!" Wyatt ordered, and pointed to the unfamiliar boy. "And you, get lost! Don't fucking touch him! I see you with him again and I'll park my foot up your ass!"

The boy held his hands up defensively and scoffed before turning away.

"What the hell was that, Wyatt!" Jaeden yelled furiously, and stormed off.

Wyatt followed suit and the two proceeded to storm off outside.

"You went ballistic!" Jaeden retorted.

"Jae, I was just protecting you!" Wyatt rebutted, but it was more than that.

"Oh thanks, mom, as if I needed another one up my ass all the time. I'm not a baby! I don't need you looking out for me. I hate you" Jaeden remarked spiteful.

Wyatt's jaw became taut and his eyes softened. He nodded solemnly and Jaeden immediately regretted his words as soon as he spat them.

He was angry, yes, but not about Wyatt's protectiveness. In fact, he loved how Wyatt protected him. But this was different. Jaeden wanted more.

Was Wyatt that oblivious?

His expression softened as soon as he read the hurt in Wyatt's glossy eyes. Jaeden's eyes clouded with guilt and affection as he tried to apologize.

"Wyatt, I didn't mean-" he started, but Wyatt cut him off gently.

"No, no, you did" he said softly. "I know the last thing you need is another overprotective mom up your ass all the time...but I can't help it, Jae. If I lose you, I lose everything. Because I-"

Wyatt cut himself off and pinched the bridge of his nose gingerly.

"You...what?" Jaeden queried quietly.

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