|Shot 9| • Growth & Love I • |Jyatt|

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Wyatt is taller than Jaeden now I'm not okay

Wyatt is taller than Jaeden now I'm not okay

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Jyatt makes me emotional

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Jyatt makes me emotional. Enjoy the story
Also, take a shot everytime I write "lips" ~Jae👑


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It's hard to believe it has been about two years since I met Finn, Jack, Sophia, Chosen, Jeremy...


Just saying his name sends tingling sensations all throughout my body. Everything about him entices me and stimulates me. His smile, his laugh, the way he looks at me, the way I try to steal a glance at him and I find him already glancing at me, his golden-brown eyes, his golden-brown curls - I wanna run my hands through them all day - the way he says my name, his dimples, God I want to kiss them all day and his soft lips, the way they slowly curl into a smile when I grin at him....and his personality, ah God I love him.

He's so kind, funny, talented, sweet...I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Hey, you okay, Jaeden?" Wyatt asked with a chuckle, pulling me from my trance.

I had been staring at him and daydreaming for the past...wait, how long?


He giggled.

"You're daydreaming, Jae"

I blushed.

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