|Shot 48| • Movies • |Jyatt|

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Happy valentines day, mon amis ♥ ~Jae👑


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"Thanks again for offering to drive us, Nic"

"Of course, idiot" Nic teased.

I laughed with him as we rounded the corner and pulled into Jaeden's driveway. I patted Nic's shoulder, hopped out of his car, and ran up to Jaeden's door.

I knocked, and straightened my black tie and white blouse as I heard footsteps. It opened, and I grinned.

"Hey, are you ready to-" I started, but was cut off once my eyes met Jaeden.

He was wearing a midnight blue blouse with a charcoal tie and raven dress pants. His hair was gelled and parted perfectly to the side. He's breathtaking on a normal day, but the way he looked right now...

I need an inhaler.

His emerald eyes twinkled as he smiled at me and looked me up and down.

"Hey, Wy" he greeted in his soothing voice.

"Wow, Jaeden...you look..." I was at a loss for words.

I was speechless at the sight of the incredibly handsome boy in front of me. My boyfriend is so fucking gorgeous.

"You look incredible Jaeden" I said in awe, grinning ear to ear.

"So do you" he smiled.

I chuckled and pulled him in for a kiss. He laughed, and the taste of his lips and laughter made me pull him closer as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I placed my hands on his waist, but before the kiss could get too heated, Nic honked his horn, causing us to smack our foreheads.

"Ouch" Jaeden groaned.

I shot Nic a glare but he just laughed hysterically. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jaeden's hand. Nic was still laughing when Jaeden and I climbed into the backseat.

"Shut up" we groaned at him.

"Sorry" he giggled, and began driving.


"So, what movie are you guys seeing?" Nic queried as he sideways glanced at us.

"The Photographer (my Jyatt book, please go check it out)" I answered.

"Sounds interesting...what is it?"

"Rom-Com" Jaeden and I answered in sync.

"Booooo" Nic whined.

"Okay, idiot, you can watch something else"

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