|Shot 27| • Tension II • |Jyatt|

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"Thanks for coming, guys" Jaeden smiled and hugged Sophia, Jeremy and Jackson as they left.

Jeremy and Jackson climbed into Jeremy's mom's car but Sophia lingered for a second.

She pulled me into a hug and her lips brushed my ear.

"Don't get too crazy tonight, boys" she whispered, then turned to Jaeden and winked.

"Uhm..." I gulped.

"Just messing with you" she smiled, and turned to walk away, but then stopped and said quietly, "have fun tonight boys", and climbed into the car with a backhand wave.

Jaeden and I watched her leave in both awe and embarrassment.

"Sophia will be the death of us" Jaeden chuckled, and grasped my hand as we walked back inside.

"Oh, she definitely will be" I joked.

"Hey, Jaeden?" Ms. Lieberher said questioningly while digging through her purse.

Jaeden let go of my hand quickly and I frowned before he answered.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"I'm gonna go get some things for tomorrow. I hadn't realized we were running low on food until after dinner, so we'll need stuff for tomorrow. Are you and Wyatt okay with being by yourselves for a few hours?"

My eyes immediately lit up at that. Just Jaeden and I alone for a few hours was more than okay for me.

"Yeah Mom, that's fine" Jaeden smirked at me.

Oh my God this boy is so cute.

"Alright then, sweetie. I'll be back soon" she kissed his cheek and left.

"So..." I pulled Jaeden close to me.

"So" he repeated cheekily with a sly smile.

"What do you wanna do for the next hour or so?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow and smirking.

"Oh I have, some, ideas..." he trailed off and nibbled my ear.

"Goof...I like the way you think"

He rolled his eyes and mirrored my smile. He pulled me by the hand to his bedroom. Once we got there, he locked the door, even though we were alone, and pushed me playfully onto the bed.

He kicked his shoes off and threw his jacket elsewhere before climbing onto my lap and connecting our lips.

"Damn, Jae" I mumbled against his lips, and he smiled.

I kicked my shoes off and slipped off my socks. I placed my hands on his waist and kissed him back hard. He tasted sweet and smelled like pine. He cupped my face as he kissed me passionately.

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