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"Here, let me take your bags my queen." A black haired woman said, as soon as Y/n and Anakin got off their ship "Dinner isn't ready yet, it needs just a bit more time."

Y/n smiled "Thank you Mary, and thats quite alright." She said appreciatively "Can you also please show Master Skywalker to his room." She added.

Mary bowed "Of course." She said looking to Anakin "Please follow me." She said, before walking off.

Y/n sighed "You probably won't see me till dinner, I have some work I need to do in my office." She said walking with the two.

Anakin nodded "Is there a chance I can wonder around a bit, get to know the place?" He asked.

"Of course." Y/n said with a nod "Just before you go into any rooms, knock." She said with a smile.

"How many rooms are in this place?" Anakin asked.

Y/n laughed a little "Quite a few." She said "Some are being used others are not."

Anakin hummed "Many places for an assassin to hide." He said.

"That's what Noah has been afraid of." Y/n said sighing "Well, I'll see you at dinner." She added before vanishing into her office.


Anakin walked the halls of the palace, carefully exploring the whole thing. He had to admit the entire place was beautiful, and at some parts well decorated. When he walked down another hall, he stopped at a specific portrait that caught his eyes. It was a family portrait. In front stood Y/n in a elegant green dress, her hair done in a braid. Behind her stood both her parents, both dressrd the part.

He realized how Y/n looked more similar to her father than her mother. The two shared the same hair color, and eye color. While Y/n had her mother's facial structure, and her smile. Slowly Anakin moved more down the hall, when another portrait made him do a double take.

Anakin looked at the portrait, his mouth slightly open "Master Qui-gon?" He uttered in shock.

This portrait had three people in it, Y/n's father, Master Qui-gon, and Master Yoda. Anakin was still in shock, just staring at the old painting. He hadn't see Qui-gon's face since he died, all thoes years ago on Naboo. Finally Anakin left the portrait, and continued looking around. He was going to definitely annoy Obi-wan with questions later.

As Anakin continued down the hall, he began to hearing voices. Very loud voices of two people arguing.

"Noah, are you questioning the jedi?" Anakin heard Y/n say angrily.

As Anakin got closer he heard a sigh "Thats not what I said." He said "What I said was, why send only one jedi to protect you?"

"Maker, you are an idiot brother." Y/n said sounding more and more annoyed, "Noah, there is a civil war going on."

"I'm aware Y/n." Noah said "But-"

"No! No buts, I'm grateful they even had a jedi to help me." Y/n said cutting him off, "One jedi is enough, I trust his skills. Especially since this is the same Jedi that protected Padmè."

Noah scoffed "You truly are a fool sometimes." He said "Count Dooku wants you dead, a sith lord. The man that killed your parents in front of you!"

Now that was something Anakin did not know 'Count Dooku killed her parents, in front of her? She was only fifteen when they died.....'

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now