bonus chapter: Nightmares Of The War

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It had been a month since Luke and Leia had been born. That first month Y/n and Anakin stayed in Coruscant, finishing up the last few things. Chancellor Palpatine had gone on trial, no suprise that he was guilty of his crimes. With Chancellor Palpatine in jail, along with Maul and Dooku. Not to mention Grievous is also dead, the Clone wars were officially over.

Files had been found in Chancellor Palpatine's office, and in his home, with lots of incriminating evidence. The one that caught Y/n's attention was the one about the clones, they all had a inhibitor chip. Once learning about what that inhibitor chip could cause, Y/n personally made sure every clone would have it removed. She funded for all the resources for this big project, and even now clones were getting their chips removed.

The jedi had once more become peace keepers, and some even left the order after the war. Ahsoka being one of them.

After that month the happy couple had returned to Alderaan. It took a day to settle in with the help of Noah and Padmè, before the two left for Naboo with Adaline. Their new life had begun.

It was the middle of the night, when suddenly Y/n gasped awake. The reason being she couldn't feel Anakin at her side, she looked around the room and then to the bathroom expecting to see her husband. He wasn't there.

"Anakin?" Y/n called out softly, as she climbed out of bed. She looked over at her nightstand, not seeing the baby monitor. Now she knew.

Y/n left the bedroom, heading to the room just across from her. The door was cracked, and light was peering out from the crack. Gently Y/n pushed open the door and looked inside, her heart instantly melted at the sight.

Anakin sat in the comfortable chair completely passed out, holding both of their children in his arms. Leia was asleep in his right arm, while Luke was asleep in his left. Just next to the chair was R2, but he had powered himself down. Y/n walked over to the chair, and gently reached out running her fingers through her husband's hair.

Instantly Anakin gasped awake, but didn't move that much, he looked around before looking at Y/n. The man let out a sigh of relief, instantly calming down "Y/n." He breathed in a low whisper "What-what are you doing?"

"You weren't in bed." Y/n whispered quietly "Why didn't you wake me? It was my turn to deal with them."

Anakin smiled up at his wife sleepily "I didn't want to wake you." He said.

Y/n rolled her eyes before picking Luke up out of Anakin's arm, and turning to his crib "I could've done it, Ani." She whispered while laying her son down.

"I know." Anakin said while getting to his feet, and moving to Leia's crib "I just wanted to see them."

Y/n places the blanket over her son, and smiles down at him "Yeah, I can see why." She whispered "Lets get back to bed."

Anakin hums and nods looking over at Y/n with a small smile "Yeah." He whispered.


The next night this time Y/n was woken when Anakin suddenly shot up, gasping for air. Quickly Y/n also sat up, looking to her husband in worry "Anakin?! Hey, Ani calm down." She said.

Anakin was looking around the room, his eyes wide in panic. Y/n continued to try and calm him down, it took nearly two minutes. Once he calmed down he looked over at Y/n, his breathing a little slower.

"Ani, are you okay?" Y/n asked softly, gently reaching a hand out to touch him.

Anakin flinches away from her touch, looking around the room again "I'm not on Geonosis again." He whispered.

Y/n shook her head "No, your not on Geonosis anymore." She says.

"I'm sorry." Anakin whispered looking at his wife, sweat glisten slightly on his face. He swallowed hard "I didn't mean to wake you."

Once again Y/n reached out to touch him, but this time Anakin doesn't flinch. She places her hand on his bare back, and gently begins to rub it "You have nothing to be sorry for Anakin." She says.

Anakin shakes his head, looking down at his lap "No, I-i shouldn't have woken you up." He mumbles.

"I would rather you wake me up, than you sit here alone." Y/n says gently but sternly "Yer jalan atthirari anni." She spoke, speaking an ancient language she had read in a book.(translation: you are the moon of my life. If you know, you know.)

This makes Anakin look up at her "What?" He asks, tilting his head slightly "What does that mean?"

Y/n smiles a little "It means you are the moon of my life." She says.

Anakin's lips twitch into a smile, he was fully calmed down now "I love you." He says.

"I love you too, Anakin." Y/n says leaning close to him, and pecking his lips.


A few months went by, and Anakin was still having nightmares. Bad nightmares. He would wake up calling out for Ahsoka, or calling out for Obi-wan. Sometimes he would even yell for Y/n, or Rex. Though the nightmares weren't happening frequently, they were still bad and took a tol on Anakin.

At first Anakin never told Y/n what his nightmares were about, and then he told her. Sometimes it was nightmares from the clone wars, or he'd have nightmares about losing someone in a brutal way. Y/n had even heard him mumbling in his sleep about their children, begging for someone to leave them alone. Buy before he could say more, she woke him.

Y/n had begun staying up longer after Anakin had fallen asleep, waiting to see if he'd wake up from a nightmare. If he ever began talking in his sleep, and if it seemed like a nightmare, she would quickly wake him.

Tonight was one of thoes nights. Y/n sat up in bed, reading her book on ancient languages. Something she even got Anakin to look at. She looked over when her husband stirred in his sleep, making a small noise. Y/n could see the fear on his face, as he mumbled her name. Closing her book, and setting it off the the side Y/n gently shook her husband.

"Anakin, hey, Anakin wake up." Y/n said softly, placing a soft hand on him.

Anakin gasped as his eyes shot open, and he sat up breathing heavily. He looked around before looking at Y/n, and instantly calming down "Your okay." He said.

Y/n smiled and scooted closer to him "I'm okay." She whispered "Are you okay,"

Leaning on her Anakin nodded a little "I am now." He mumbles, letting Y/n wrap her arms around him.

Y/n smiled a little and placed a kiss on the top of his head, before threading her fingers through his hair. The two stayed like for a while. Eventually the two of them got tired, and laid down but remained very close.

"Goodnight, atthirari anni." Y/n said in a small whisper.(moon of my life, i think.)

"Goodnight, Shekh ma shieraki anni." Anakin whispered back.(my sun and stars.)

I might start posting little bonus chapters, they probably wont be long and eventful but it's something. I wont have a schedule for them or anything, they'll probably just come out at random. If you have any requests, feel free to lmk and I'll do my best to write em.

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