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"Focused, you are not." Master Yoda says pulling Y/n away from her meditation.

The two as usual sat across from each other, the room only being lit by the faint glow of the sun. Y/n opens her eyes and lets out a sigh "I'm trying master."

"Bothering you, something is?" Yoda asks curiously, while tilting his head a little.

Y/n lets out a sigh "It's nothing." She lies while shaking her head, she couldn't focus on the argument. It wouldn't help anything.

It was the day after Y/n and Anakin's argument, and she still hadn't spoke with him. When she had gone to the apartment that morning, he wasn't there. Y/n didn't have time to search for him, so she went to go meet Master Yoda.

"Lying, you are."

Y/n's mouthed opened, and he tried to form coherent words but couldn't manage to get anything out. She couldn't think of some lie, so she had to tell the truth "Me and Anakin got into an argument yesterday."

Yoda hummed "About what?" He asked curiously.

"It was just a disagreement." Y/n says dismissively "I was hoping to talk with him, but I couldn't find him." She explains, "

"On a mission, young Skywalker is." Yoda says "On Hoth, he is."

'Just my fucking luck.' Y/n thinks with a sigh, her face falling considerably "Oh. When is he due to be back?" She asks.

Master Yoda hums "Unsure, I am." He says "A bond, you two have formed." He asks.

Y/n's eyes widened a little "No sir, he's just a friend." She lies, nervous on how much the old jedi knew. She didn't want to get Anakin in trouble.

"Lying again, you are." Master Yoda lightly scolds "Angry I am not."


"Obvious there is a bond between you two, there is stupid I am not." Master Yoda says calmly.

"I never-"

"However good for young Skywalker, it is. Good for you too." Yoda continues after cutting Y/n off.

Y/n blinks quickly "What are you saying?" She asks.

Yoda simply smiles "Allow this bond to grow, I will." He says "But it must be kept secret."

Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing right now, she thought it had to be a dream. Reaching a hand over, she pinched her arm. Wincing at the pain.

"This is a joke, right?" Y/n asks uncertainly.

Master Yoda laughs a little "A joke, it is not." He says "Like seeing you happy, I do. Makes me happy, it does."

Y/n's heart warms at his words, it almost felt like a father was saying that to his daughter. The young queen was grateful to have the old jedi in her life, it definitely changed a lot of things.

"Thank you Master." Y/n says appreciatively, unable to contain her smile.


Y/n knocks on the door to the Chancellor's office, he had once again invited her to another lunch. She didn't even want to go, but she desperately needed to do something to clear her mind.

"Come in my dear!" The Chancellor's familiar voice says.

Y/n walks into the door, closing it behind her "Hello again Sheev." She greets. Walking over to the chair she normally sat in.

Palpatine pushes a box at her "How have you been, my dear?" He asks kindly.

"I've been decent." Y/n says opening the box to find another one of her favorite foods, she looks at the Chancellor "How have you been, sir?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now